Destinations Magazine

Cafe Figue in the 15th: Kismet, Karma, Feng Shui, Whatever, It's Delicious in an Old Haunt.

By Johntalbott

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5.9 Le Cafe Figue, 117, rue de Vaugirard in the 15th,, closed Saturday lunch, Sunday and Monday nights (Metro: Falguiere). Sound familiar?  That's because 15-20 years ago it was that great favorite of ours, the restaurant La Grande Rue [named after the Rue Vaugirard, Paris' longest street] and I'm happy to say the kismet, karma, feng shui has held.  They have a different menu every day at both lunch and dinner (shades of Spring and Chez Panisse) that is printed and squeezed between two tiny slabs of plastic - very cool.

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For a first my longest French pal in Paris chose the rilettes of mackerel which she ordered because she wanted to test it against her own and this, with espilette, but not so much it overwhelmed it, rose to the occasion; meanwhile I had a wonderful dish of escargots and mushrooms in a luscious sauce with sliced raw mushrooms on top where once again there was an ingredient - wasabi - in it that accented but didn't overwhelm it.

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Then she had a bavette (cooked as she asked - rose) with teeny-tiny beets and I had what was called raviolis of chicken which turned out to consist of a ravioli bottom, then "crayons" of green and white leeks, then another layer of ravioli and on top, the deboned breast of chcken (it needed some salt but that's OK).

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Finally we shared and - whoops - ate all of a lime creme brulee that once more yet again had some lime but not so much as to overwhelm it.

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With a quite nice bottle of Cotes de Bourg (they were out of the Languedoc-Rousillion that was Waldo), darn good bread, no bottled water and two coffees our bill was 78.50 E a couple.

Go?  Absolutely!

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