Humor Magazine

Cab Drivers Of Hong Kong Apparently Believe Birds Are Not Animals

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Here is a photo taken from a cab list of fare rules in Hong Kong, China. As you can see, there is a $5 HK surcharge for every “animal or bird” you bring in the cab. Note there is no limit to the number of birds or animals that may be brought into the car, which may be good news next time the characters of the movie Madagascar need to travel across a country together in a misadventure!

Cab Drivers Of Hong Kong Apparently Believe Birds Are Not Animals

Perhaps the sign refers to the robotic birds that may be planning a secret takeover of the world, once their artificial intelligence learns to think for themselves. Or bird/man-eating plants that perhaps have equally nefarious plans.

3 Worse Things A Hong Kong Cab Could Impose An Extra Fee For

1. Clowns. Kids at the circus will be disappointed when they don’t get to see how many clowns can be stuffed in one car, when those clowns can’t even afford to get to the circus because the only way they know how to travel is by all 50 of them jumping into one taxi.

2. Animals In Bird Costumes. Does the human who plays the role of Big Bird not have enough problems right now with a presidential candidate promising to cut Sesame Street spending, that he also may have to pay extra money he can’t afford, next time he visits Hong Kong?

3. Big Bird Toys That Were Made In China. These toys already helped the Chinese economy! But now that we know these products may be made in China, we understand why Big Bird may want to take a trip there for quality control inspections.

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