Entertainment Magazine

C'Mon...There's No Way Ted Mosby Forgets to Buy His BFF's a Wedding Gift...or is There?

Posted on the 15 October 2013 by Kristy47 @watchingwaytoomuch

C'Mon...There's No Way Ted Mosby Forgets to Buy His BFF's a Wedding Gift...or is there? The answer to Monday's Trivia Question:  The T-Birds from the movie Grease were: Danny, Kenicky, Sonny, Putzie and Doody

FIRST FIVE: Mike O'Dea, Caryn Vitolo, Karen Feldman, Monica Caraffa, & Alex Nagler Honorable Mention: Stephanie Baxter
Friday's Cable Top 5

MLB NLCS-TBS 1.5/5.4
American Dad-Adult Swim .7/1.6
WWE Friday Night Smackdown-Syfy .7/2.4
Modern Family-USA .6/1.3
Walking Dead Sneak Peek-AMC .6/1.3

Sunday's Broadcast Top 5 Sunday Night Football-NBC 7.3/19.6

NFL Football/The OT Live-FOX 6.3/18.1
Football Night in America-NBC 5.8/15.3
Football Night in America-NBC 3.2/8.7
MLB ALCS-FOX 2.4/8.2
Sunday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
NFL Football-NBC  359,613
Once Upon a Time-ABC 88,888
Revenge-ABC 58,281
Mira Quien Baila-Univision 36,588
The Amazing Race-CBS 30,559

Sunday's Cable Top 5 NA

Sunday's Cable Trendrr Top 5

The Walking Dead-AMC 1,883,440
Talking Dead-AMC 66,254
Cousins Undercover-HGTV 34,635
Witches of East End-Lifetime 32,429
Homeland-Showtime 32,319
Top 5 Timeshifted shows for the week of 9/23/13-9/29/13
Just a reminder, these are programs that generated the biggest ratings increase  Live +SD  vs. Live +7 days ratings.
1.) S.H.I.E.L.D-ABC From a 4.7 to a  7.0 (+49%)
2.) The Big Bang Theory-CBS From a 5.5 to a 7.8 (+40%)
3.) Sleepy Hollow-FOX From a 3.1 to a 5.3 (+70%)
4.) Modern Family-ABC From a 4.1 to a 6.3 (+50%)
5.) Grey's Anatomy-ABC From a 3.4 to a 5.1 (+51%)
Top 5 Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings for the week of 10/7/13-10/13/13
1) The Walking Dead- AMC 1.1 MM Tweets
2) Catfish-MTV 735,000 Tweets
3) American Horror Story-FX 435,000 Tweets
4) The X Factor-FOX 422,000 Tweets
5)  WWE Raw- USA 176,000 Tweets

How I Met Your Mother 

Whew, I was nervous and a little gun shy for Monday night TV after Sunday night's Homeland debacle. While I didn't watch much, what I did get to check out was pretty decent all around.  No Mom sightings in How I Met Your Mother, but did you catch Katie Holmes aka Slutty Pumpkin in the Halloween party flashback? Anyway, at the Poker table, Ted was overly proud of his wedding gift giving abilities which pissed Lily off because she and Marshall both believed that Ted never game them one. We all know Ted. NO WAY he didn't give his BFF's a wedding gift, but he was pissed off because he had never received a thank you note for the coffee maker he bought his buds. Lily and Marshall thought their friends Stuart and Claudia gave them the coffee maker. Turns out that Stuart scammed Ted's gift, so Marshall and Lily were pissed off for all those years for nothing. Of course it's a BIT ridiculous that friends that close wouldn't just ask outright, but it did make for a good episode. Hey, not to be mean, but did you notice when Marshall was in the car with Sheri Shephard how many birthmarks, freckles and/or moles he has on his neck? I wonder if he was late for makeup that day or something. I hope he's staying out of the sun and under a dermatologists care. That's some pretty serious stuff goin on there.  Oh there was an entire other storyline with Barney not being able to chose between Robin and his family which was a tiny bit ridiculous, especially when they decided to play strip poker with Barney's Mom. AWKWARD!  Did you catch Barney with his post honeymoon cornrowed hair? OMG that was hilarious. NPH is the best.
The People's Couch
Note to parents out there who are even considering watching The People's Couch with your kids...Don't! I don't know what I was thinking. My new couch potatoe friends decided to watch MTV's Catfish. Which I had to fast forward when the person on the other side of the computer turned out to be of unknown sexual origin and used fake DOWNTOWN parts if you get my meaning. Okay The Voice was fine, but then it was on to American Horror Story which freaked ME OUT! So did Beyond Scared Straight but in a different way.  Not a great episode for a 12 year old.  Honestly, I'm just obsessed with the families and friends on the couch, but we get no backstory on them at all. They don't even tell us their names. So I've named some of them. The gay BFF's are "The Eyebrow Boys featuring Vanilla Ice". The family the bedroom is "The Sam Family".  The two women with the dogs I've deemed  "The Chihauha Club", and  "The Pumpers" are the family with the new born baby.  This show is great, I just need to remember that it's NOT for kids!

Hart of Dixie

Not sure if you guys noticed, but Google still hasn't fixed the text gadgets that I use for the "What I'm Watching" section and the "Premiere's and Finales" section of the blog. I can't update it, I can only delete things. Google doesn't seem to care and hasn't made any attempt at fixing it in almost 2 weeks.  Anyway, I thought last night was the season premiere of Hart of Dixie, and I was all settled in to watch Zoe come back from her Summer in NYC but after about 3 minutes in, I felt like I missed an episode or something. Did some detective work, and realized that the season premiere was LAST WEEK! So I went online and caught up on last weeks episode but never got to last nights episode. So the DVR inventory is building and my post for the show is a bust.  I'm betting I'm the only one that still watches this show anyway, plus last night was Chargers/Colts and Dodgers/Cardinals so a lot of you are still in pure sports mode.


Is it me or is Emily's voice getting softer and intentionally more sinister sounding? Honestly, even if Victoria didn't spill the beans about Nolan's house and her secret relationship with Aidan, why does Daniel love her? I just am losing my love for Emily The quest for revenge is getting old, especially when you listen to Father Paul talk about it. I shouldn't want to root for Victoria, but I sort of am at this point. Daniel's a tool and a fool. He needs some b*lls and some brains. I mean if you have trust issues with your woman, why would you not listen to her phone conversations? Just listen to one of Emily's phone calls and you'd figure out that she's up to something. Who buys their "friend" a 10 million dollar house and NOT tell their fiance about it? Don't get me wrong, this show is fun to make fun of so I'm not saying it sucked or anything, it's actually getting pretty good and ended with a great cliffhanging car accident. Is Father Paul dead?  They killed the priest? Hope not, I like that guy.

News & Information:
-I'm having a major case of FEAR OF MISSING OUT SYNDROME! How many of my readers are watching The Walking Dead? Sunday's season premiere delivered the highest ratings of any episode to date. 16.1 million viewers tuned in and 10.4 million A18-49. This makes The Walking Dead the number one show on all of TV against A18-49 and that includes football. With time shifting, I'm betting that number goes above 20MM viewers!!! I so want in on the action, but I barely sleep as it is.  Zombies will FREAK ME OUT and I'll NEVER SLEEP AGAIN!
-Netflix is looking to get on our TV's now too! They want to offer cable subscribers an app that they could access through the set top box.  Hmmm I need to think on that for a little while. If my cable bill has to go up to get it, I'd be angry with them all over again but if it just extends the way I can access my Netflix account that's cool. I can watch Netflix on TV now with Google's chromocast thingy, but to be honest, I haven't set it up yet. It's still sitting in the box.
Tuesday's Trivia Question: What was Jason Segel's character's name on Freaks & Geeks?

WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much

Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]

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