Lifestyle Magazine

Buying and Selling Handcrafted Goodies on!

By Claire

I am (… is this sad?!) look­ing for­ward to read­ing the Quick Start Guide for sell­ers later on, but in the mean­time any hints and tips you lovely peo­ple have to share will be ever so welcome!

I must thank my lovely friend Jo from Vin­tage Twee whose store has very much inspired mine! I’ve always loved how Jo’s store looks, and I was tak­ing inspi­ra­tion from her this morn­ing (she has no idea…) so Jo, thank you!!!

If you haven’t dis­cov­ered Etsy yet, then allow me to share two fab­u­lous wed­dings with you — both Naomi and Rachel bought good­ies from, and their Eng­lish Wed­dings were fea­tured on my favorite wed­ding blog (I’m biased haha)…

Naomi and Elric's Etsy-filled wedding

Click the image to see Naomi and Elric’s wed­ding on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog

An indi­vid­ual, eclec­tic and Etsy-filled wed­ding at High­bury Hall: Naomi and Elric

Etsy wedding feature

Click the image to see Rachel and Neil’s peacock-inspired wed­ding on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog

A wow fac­tor Etsy wed­ding with pea­cock feath­ers at my favorite fairy­tale cas­tle: Rachel and Neil

Claire xxx

Buying and selling handcrafted goodies on!

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