Family Magazine

Butlins | What We're Packing For Abbie!

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
Butlins | What We're Packing For Abbie!
Hello all!
As you probably know, we were recently chosen as Butlins Ambassadors (eeek!) & within a few days I was already making to-pack lists, I'm one of those people who likes to be super (probably over) organised and who likes to plan in advance, i'm not very good with when things change last minute or having to rush around so I make sure i'm always prepared! 

This will be our very first family holiday so i'm trying to make sure everything runs as smoothly as it can, I remember growing up my Mum, Dad & I would go to Spain every year, my Mum would pack everyones suitcases pretty much as well as toiletries and fun things to do on the journey etc, I didn't really know how hard it could really be until now, you literally have to think of everything, especially when you have a toddler, you need to think about what you'll be doing, what the weather will be doing, how to keep them entertained in the car etc below I have given you my list of what we're packing for Abbie, i'm sure i'll keep adding things but if you have any ideas on things i've missed out, feel free to leave a comment to let me know! :). We are going for 3 nights!
For the journey It's only a 2 hour journey for us so we're gonna try and get it all done in one go, which means no stopping! Abbie has never been in a car longer than about an hour so it might be a bit difficult but we thought hard about what kinda things we would take to keep her entertained! Instead of having lunch at home, we'll be leaving for our trip so will be taking the food with us! - Lunch & Snacks - Cbeebies CD - Sticker book - iPad For the weekend; - Clothes (a given!) - Wellies, boots and trainers  - Favourite toys  - Pillow & Duvet (scent from home) - Books - Winter Hats - Gloves  - 2 x Coats  - Swimming Costumes - Armbands  - Video Monitor - Snacks

As much as I'm excited about this trip, I'm also bloody nervous as well, we've never been away as a family before, Abbie has only ever slept at home and won't even sleep in the car or pushchair (although she did fall asleep once, but not since!), so i've been stressing about how she'll cope with a new environment, new smells, new place to nap, sleep and eat! I've spent many hours browsing on forums seeing what other people have done to help their LO's adapt well and what to expect etc, sure it made me way more anxious and I came this close to hanging up my hat and saying i'm not going! But i've had to change my mindset, yes it's a new place, yes it's different surroundings but she's still going to have the one thing that gets her to sleep everyday and night, and has done since she was 12 hours old, ME! As long as i'm next to her, she will sleep, and hey, if she doesn't, it's just 3 days away and then she will be back into her normal place straight back into the usual routine!
If i'm missing anything from my list, please let me know! :)

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