For the first installment of the Busy Girl Nails Spring Nail Art Challenge, the prompt is pastel. Perfect for spring, right? Here's what I came up with.
For this mani, I used striping tape with a pastel blue Adoro polish (a polish from Costa Rica) and Bettina Haze.
Here is the Adoro polish on its own.
Artificial Light
Artificial Light
The bottle just had the number 30 on it, no name. The formula wasn't that great on this one. Like most pastels, it was very streaky. I used three coats and you could still see that it was uneven.Here's a look at Haze.
Artificial Light
Artificial Light
Haze is a pastel purple. The formula is slightly better on this one. It's a bit sheer, but you can get coverage with just two coats. I chose to use three for good measure.Here's another look at the final product.
Artificial Light
Artificial Light
I ended up having a few bubbles from my top coat on my middle and ring fingers, but I really love how this manicure turned out.What do you guys think about this look? Do you like wearing pastel colors on your nails?
Don't forget to join us on Instagram and tag your photos #busygirlnails and tag the hosts as well.