Happy Hump Day friends. I like Wednesdays. I know that tomorrow the week is almost over and it’s just about time for the weekend. LOVE WEEKENDS.
I was so in love with my uber sweet & salty combo yesterday that I recreated it today. I’m so original.
And for my coffee I made a pumpkin spice and a caramel drizzle. I’m all about the warm-fall flavors these days.
Lunch: burrito burrito burrito… yes I’ll say it again- burrito!
So did you know I’m a recovering binge eater? I am.
I don’t know why but I turn to food when I’m missing something in my life. When I feel stressed, unhappy, happy, sad, upset, excited… anything really. My emotions dictate how I eat. It’s true and it’s part of who I am.
With everything going on these days, my single lady status, this is a prime emotional (binge) eating environment.
I’ve been doing a few things to keep my eating during this emotional time under control. It’s been surprisingly easy, it’s working and I’ve even lost some weight. I know a lot of bloggers write about their emotional eating situations so I thought maybe you’d like reading a little bit on how I’ve been conquering my binge eating tendencies.
4 Tips for Eating during Emotional Situations
Tip 1: eat what you want!
Normally I don’t ever eat cheese, I eat complex carbs if I’m going to eat carbohydrates and I try and avoid sugar. I almost never drink sodas.
For right now, I got rid of all this. Restrictions will only make the emotional eating worse. If I want the burrito then I skip the damn bowl and get the burrito. Fulfill the craving without going crazy. If I eat what I actually want, I wont keep eating snacks later.
Tip 2: eat when hungry!
This one is probably the hardest. When I’m bored and in emotional crisis I want snacks… lots and lots- and lots and lots… of snacks.
I’m really working on eating when I’m hungry. If I know I want something to eat because I’m bored, or because I’m sad/mad/frustrated I’ve been drinking a little mug of coffee or tea with stevia. It surprisingly takes away the false-hunger cravings. Plus I sip it for a long time so it takes more time to drink that to eat a snack.
FYI: a coffee/tea run gives you something to do too… go to your favorite coffee shop and buy a coffee. You get an outing and some 1 on 1 car stereo time.
Tip 3: Give yourself a splurge, and a break!
I’ve worked really really hard to give up diet coke in the last 6 months. I also worked hard to get off sugar. Normally, I kick a sugar craving with fruit and I drink water, sometimes iced tea.
I’m letting myself drink diet coke these days. You know, I love it. It makes me feel good. Drinking diet coke right now won’t kill me. I’ve also gotten to where I feel like I’m getting this huge splurge when I drink it because I’ve been detoxed off it for so long. It makes me feel like I’m getting to eat something special. Which as an emotional (binge) eater is exactly what my brain wants.
I also had a piece of cheese cake the other day. I’d craved it for almost 2 weeks. I wanted it. I ate it. Give yourself a break. You feel good and it was tasty. Move on.
Tip 4: Don’t worry about over eating.
This takes away the pressure and guess what… with no pressure you wont be as likely to over do it. Everything will even out over time. Each day doesn’t have to be exactly the same, with the exact same eating pattern. Today I might eat a few snacks in the afternoon… tomorrow I might not want any. Just go with it.