Art & Design Magazine

Burlap and Lace Table Runner Tutorial

By Tampster1 @tampster1
I am not a seamstress by any stretch of the imagination but I can thread my machine and sew a straight line, which is exactly what is needed for this project. I already had the material and lace on hand so I didn't have to go out for anything, which was even better. Last year I bought 3 yards of this burlap for only 3.99 and the lace was a grocery bag full of assorted lengths and widths and colors for 2.00.. Trust me I was doing the Happy dance with that deal.  There are still alot of these supplies left over for any other projects that tickle my fancy.
Burlap and lace table runner Tutorial This finished runner measures 13 * 64 inches.  So i cut my fabric 1/2 inch larger than my finished size, folded over 1/4 inch, iron then fold over again 1/4 inch iron. When you come to the corners all I did was clip the corner at a diagonal, to reduce the bulk and iron down and sew down with a simple straight stich.  Next pin your lace onto your fabric and sew down with a straight stich.
Burlap and lace table runner Tutorial There are alot of variations on the web when it comes to trimming your piece. I chose to do a complete wrap but you could just add it to the ends or just to the sides. It is really up to you. :) Burlap and lace table runner Tutorial And in less than and hour you will have a beautiful addition to your dining room table. Burlap and lace table runner Tutorial
Burlap and lace table runner Tutorial      

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