Hair & Beauty Magazine

Bumble and Bumble + Elle

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
Bumble and Bumble + Elle
It's just a really quick post today to let you know about the great freebie you can get your hands on when you buy this month's issue of Elle Magazine. As well as the September issue being a lot heftier in size with plenty of high street and higher end fashion, you also get a 50ml bottle of the Bumble and Bumble Thickening Hairspray which I've heard so much about through reading blogs. This travel sized bottle is worth £7.50 so you're really getting yourself a bargain by spending £4 on a super sized version of Elle and the Bumble and Bumble spray! Bumble and Bumble is a haircare brand that I've always been interested in trying after reading so many rave reviews but I'll be honest and say that I think their products are awfully expensive for what they are, with the full size bottle (250ml) of the Thickening Hairspray costing £21.50. I'm looking forward to giving this product a go and will definitely be back with a review of it soon enough!
Have you picked up this great magazine freebie yet?

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