So I haven't posted an empties in about a year after being so on point each month
for my first two years of blogging! My apologies! Life just keeps getting busier and busier as my
daughter has began school this year and I have finally gone back to work! Still, blogging is my
passion and I will continue to post as often as I can spare a selfish few minutes and indulge in my
guilty pleasure that is makeup, skincare, fashion, decor and anything within those realms.
So here we are with a bulk lot. It's actually two lots of empties all rolled into one as I took these pix
and then haven't had the chance to blog about them in ages! I also have another bin load of empties
sitting under my bathroom sink ready to be photographed for the next empties post I do! Until then
I will keep on adding to it and hopefully post it up when there is a decent amount of things to talk about!

L'Oreal Paris Preference Blonde Platinum x2
Since going back to blonde from my natural dark brown, I decided to try a few different brands and
products to try and get that lovely white shade like on the box, however as always my hair takes forever
to get to that shade and after using this is turned more of a brassy orange and so toner is my new best
Papulex Soap Free Cleansing Gel
This stuff I decided to use up as I'd had it in my bathroom stash for a few years and as cleansers go,
even cleansing twice a day takes at least a few months to use up and in between trying a bucket load of
other cleansers this one got shoved to the side and forgotten about. Was a good gel cleanser though and
kept my skin nice and clear.
Oral-B Pro Health Toothpaste
This particular toothpaste has been a favorite of mine for over a year now. It's one I keep going
back to and find myself re-purchasing. It has a good taste and I like the way it feels in my mouth.
Palmolive Shampoo & Conditioner Aloe Vera & Fruit Vitamins (Sachets)
It's always difficult to get a well rounded feel for products when it come to trying out a single
sachet. However these were surprisingly generous and gave me a decent amount for a single hair
wash. They had a nice scent about them and made my hair soft.
Colgate Dental Floss
Whenever I try a new dental floss it's either hit or miss. I find some to be too thick and hard to get
between the gaps and others fray and are of poor quality. This little mini is by far one of the best!
So easy to use and cut off the amount you need for each use. It doesn't hurt or cause tension, it
just does the job right and it a good handbag or travel size.
Hi Lift Powder Bleach For Hair
Since lightening my hair again I have been touching up my roots a lot at home with this stuff. This
product is very familiar to me as I used to use it years ago in my early 20's when I first began
bleaching my hair. It is brilliantly strong a lightening my super dark hair. Love it!
Rimmel London Match Perfection Foundation (Sample)
Rimmel do fantastic foundations for such an affordable price. I love their formulas and this one is no
exception! This sample was my first taste of the Match Perfection formula and since I accumulated
all these empties up over quite a period of time, I have since finished up two full sized bottles of this
stuff! Highly recommend!

Moisturising is something I always
do and this winter has been
especially harsh on my skin. This
moisturiser is so light weight feeling
and really feels as though it soaks in
deeply leaving my skin lovely and
Good Things Manuka Honey
I love honey in beauty products! The
scent is always so delicious and
calming. Manuka honey is also
delicious to eat and much richer in
colour and taste than regular honey.
This moisturiser is just gorgeous, I
loved it!
Heathcote & Ivory Bath & Body Body Butter
This was a little tub of moisturiser I received in a gift pack at Christmas. It was alright, to be honest,
there wasn't a lot inside the tub and there wasn't really much of a scent at all. Oh well.
Hi Lift Blonde Highlighter Powder Bleach For Hair
This is the same as mentioned above, just in a single use sachet packet. Must've bought this when
I was too poor to buy a big tub. haha!
Nuxe Reve de Miel Ultra Comfortable Body Cream
I have used a few Nuxe products before and am liking them the more I use them. This was a lovely
product to use, especially on these cold winter night when I can actually see the scales on my dry
skin. Especially on my legs and the tops of my feet! >_< This sure fixed that!
Dr. Hauschka Rose Nurturing Body Cream
Another brand which is a joy to use. Anything with Rose in it I am going to love. This body cream
didn't last long enough for me in this tiny sachet unfortunately. I like to moisturise head to toe and
this only got as far as my legs. Felt really nice though and didn't feel greasy or slimy like some body
creams tend to do.
V 10 Plus LX Advanced Lifting Cream Treatment
I can't honestly say I saw any difference after using this product. But it seemed nice enough. When
it comes to anti-ageing I'll try just about anything and cross my fingers it's doing something for me.
It can't hurt to try right? Let me know if you've tried this and if it's worth me purchasing it full size
as this is quite a pricey little brand so it had want to be amazing!

I purchased these to treat myself a while ago.
I don't often get my nails done or even have
time to paint them these days honestly. I
bought these because I wanted my nails to
like nice and polished without chipping or
looking messy after a day or two. These
were just your regular french mani. Classic
and easy. I loved them!
Woolworths Select Acetone-Free Nail Polish Remover
Nothing fancy here. Cheap and gets the job
done without fuss. No issues with this at all.
Have re-purchased many times.
Dove Beauty Cream Bar x 2
Used this a billion times before and will continue to do so. Dove is so well known with a great
reputation for it's hydration and creamy quality. It's like a soap and moisturiser in one. Almost.
I do still moisturiser afterwards, however if you're someone who isn't into lathering up on the cream
but don't like having dry skin, then switching over to a moisturising soap like this one would be a
great idea!
Palmolive Foaming Fig & Coconut Hand Wash
What an inspiring and unique scent this one was! I have never smelt fig and coconut together before
and let me tell you it is good! The sweet fig is mellowed out slightly with the cream coconut and
together they just seem to balance each other out really well! So foamy and fresh, I loved this!
MOR Pepperberry & Pomegranate Hand & Body Wash
I loved the skinny pump on this bottle as it made me use less each time and in turn made it last
much longer. This was a delicious yummy scent, sweet and a little zesty at the same time. MOR is
such a beautiful brand and their packaging always adds a touch of elegance and luxe to my bathroom.
Lush FUN Monsters & Aliens
This only lasted about a week! I got this for my toddlers to use in the bath for something new and fun
and they LOVED it! They loved the bright colours, the pretty smell of it and how it made colourful
suds when they washed themselves with it. It was also great to play with moulding into endless
shapes and things. Highly recommended if you have kids to bath. It'll keep them from getting bored
and fighting with each other, at least for a few minutes!

Puretopia Gentle Exfoliating Face ScrubLoved this scrub. You can read my full review on it here. Not too harsh or gentle, kept my skin clear and looking and feeling fresh. Such a lovely brand I recommend checking out if you get the chance.
Clearasil Vitamins & Extracts ScrubHave also fully reviewed this product over here. This scrub is amazing, honestly I really loved thisand it lasted ages! (This was also my second tube!) Great at keeping zits under control and smelt yum!
Revlon Precision Clear Lash AdhesiveI purchased this glue in a rush one day as I realised annoyingly that my regular lash glue, (You knowthe teeny tiny bottle you get in the box with your falsies?) had completely dried up before I'd even ever opened or used it! Figured there had to be something bigger and better I could use, and foundthis one for a reasonable price compared to the others around it on the shelf. Works pretty well, nocomplaints, gets the job done and that's all I really care about at the end of the day.
Natio Acne Clear Spots Treatment GelThis spot treatment reminded me as being really similar to the Garnier one which I have used andloved for years! This lasted me forever because you seriously only need to use the tiniest amountto cover your spot and it also tightens your pores! When I felt like my skin was looking a bit yuk andmy pores were too big I would apply a thin layer of this all over my face and sleep with it on overnight as you would with a night serum. Upon waking up in the morning my zits were almost goneand my pores were definitely smaller!

Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek Leave in Hair MoisturiserThis is one of those products I found in the back of my cupboard when I was packing to move back late last year! God knows how long it was hiding away there but I have since made sure to use it upquickly! It was ok, not anything major to rave about. But I always put some kind of hair treatmentin at least weekly so I'm not too fussed about the brand or anything. I just use anything and hope forthe best! Had a pretty smell though.
Heads & Shoulders Apple Fresh ShampooSpeaking of scents, now this shampoo is delicious and smells just like green apple! I actually reallyliked this shampoo, it's just a shame I am not a fan of the pretty basic boring packaging. The hubby ismore inclined to use this brand than me as it also helps with his flakey, dry scalp.

Have you tried any of the above products?How many empties have you been through lately?

Missed my last posts?The Fit Girl Box! | Beenigma Bee Venom! | Current Favs & Wish List!
Related Posts!Perfume Collection! | Room Tour! | Forever New Fashion Haul! | My Makeup Collection!
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