- "Deliciously Whipped!" 200 mL Body Soufflé
- "Lather Me Up!" 200 mL Shower Gel
- "You're So Smooth!" 200 ML Body Polish
- "Totally Ticklish!" 20 g Body Shimmer
- "Write On!" 14 g Perfumed Shimmer Stick
- "Two Tempting!" 5 mL Fragrance Roller Ball and Lip Gloss Duo
- 8ml Lip Gloss (tube format, available with gift set editions)
Britney also released some beautiful bags within the campaign and some of sets contained a 30ml of perfume and a tube of lip gloss, i received this bag for Christmas the same year and i loved the fabric and the lip gloss smelt lush! i don't know what ever happened to the bag as it was one of my favourites from the whole collection.

When my auntie first had her first sample of the new fragrance witch i found in a Magazine and i asked her to have a sniff of this new fragrance she loved it straight away and my auntie is kinda picky when it comes to fragrances and perfumes and she doesn't like anything that is to sweet and has a strong smell to it, My auntie had a sniff of this fragrance and she loved it straight away and she asked me who is it made by? I told her Britney spears the singer and at the time my auntie didn't know who she was at the time when the fragrance launched in the UK. A couple of months later my auntie went out and got herself some of the fragrance in a 100ml bottle with the Atomiser and charm that used to be on the bottles and then she received a gift set for Christmas one year that also contained the amazing Deliciously whipped Soufflé and the 30ml version of the perfume, The perfume did last my auntie a very long time and also the Deliciously whipped Soufflé witch she still has to this day and it just shows that Britney does make some of the best perfumes and body lotions in the world with her amazing sets. I sometimes find it very difficult to find some of the products from the Curious line in brand new condition (ie in there original boxes) because some of the products are no longer to buy anymore and some people on eBay will expect you to pay more because its a rare and collectable item. I have been kinda luckily that i haven't paid a lot for my items from eBay and some has been under £5 -£6 witch has been very good as i was expecting to pay a lot more, another thing that i have spotted that there aren't a lot of Curious products available in my local town any more only things are available is the 50 & 100ml bottles and the fragrance mist witch is around about £10! and the only place to find these items is eBay.com and expect to pay a lot more then what you would pay in store for the items as they are now rare and unavailable.
I have been collecting and loving Britney's fragrances since the first one in 2004 with Curious and she has released a load more since that one including......
2004 : Curious2005 : Fantasy2006 : Curious: In Control / Midnight Fantasy2007 : Believe2008 : Curious Heart2009 : Hidden Fantasy / Circus Fantasy2010 : Radiance2011 : Cosmic Radiance2012 : Fantasy Twist2013 : Island Fantasy / Fantasy: Anniversary Edition2014 : Fantasy: The Nice Remix / Fantasy: The Naughty Remix / Fantasy: Stage Edition / Rocker Femme Fantasy2015 : Fantasy Intimate Edition2016 : Maui Fantasy / Private Show 2017 : Fantasy In Bloom / VIP Private Show2018 : Sunset Fantasy
There has been a few perfumes that i haven't been able to add to my growing collection and that one was the Curious heart witch was in a pink bottle like the Curious one but the sellers on eBay was asking a lot more for it because its now a rare piece of memorabilia and i will do my very best to try and collect one as soon as i can find my hands on one as i do like the color of that bottle, I have also bought the curious in control that is the black version from eBay and that wasn't to hard to find and i only paid about £15 for that and i was expecting to pay double because that is kinda hard to find also i will continue collecting Britney's fragrances for a lot longer yet!
My Britney perfume collection contains of .....
- Curious 100ml
- Fantasy 100ml
- Midnight Fantasy 100ml
- Circus Fantasy 100ml
- Curious In Control 100ml
- Rocker Femme Fantasy 100ml
- Hidden Fantasy 100ml
- Fantasy In Bloom 100ml
- Maui Fantasy 100ml
- Island Fantasy 50ml
- Fantasy Intimate Edition 50ml
- Fantasy Stage Edition 50ml
- Private Show 50ml
- V.I.P Private Show 50ml