Yahoo reports that due to a clerical error, a New Jersey German Shepherd was summonsed for jury duty.
The dog’s name is IV Griner, and the owner’s name is Barrett Griner IV.
The Summons just said “IV Griner” because of a clerical error at the Court where “IV” was entered as the owner’s first name.
So the dog really wasn’t summonsed to Court, and anyone who paid attention to this news story got roped into reading about a clerical error.
Three Names For A Dog Owner That Would Have Made This Story Exciting Instead Of Clickbait
1. Barrett “I Have The Same Name As My Dog And Great-Great-Great Grandfather” Griner V
2. Jury Dawg 4. (also a great name for a talking-dog movie we’d like to see).
3. Barrett “Head To The Courtroom For Jury Duty Immediately Madam Court Clerk” Griner
*Again, we are very liberal with our definition of “breaking,” just like cable news.