Fashion Magazine

Boxed Water Rallies Its Community to “No-Plastic Pledge” Campaign

By A Beauty Feature @abeautyfeature

Boxed Water Is Better®, a leader in sustainably packaged water, will launch a new campaign inviting consumers and brands to join them in giving up single-use plastic water bottles. In honor of World Oceans Day on June 8, Boxed Water will officially launch its “No-Plastic Pledge” campaign and challenge everyone to give up plastic bottles for 30 days.

The impact of single-use plastic on the world’s oceans is undeniable. 8.8 million metric tons of plastic enters our oceans every year. By 2050, there is expected to be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

Boxed Water rallies its community to “No-Plastic Pledge” campaign

Boxed Water rallies its community to stop thousands of plastic bottles from polluting the planet through its “No-Plastic Pledge” campaign

The No-Plastic Pledge will run the duration of the summer, when single-use water bottle consumption is at its peak. Boxed Water encourages people to join at any time and make their commitment to a better planet. In order to participate, Boxed Water simply asks participants to hold themselves accountable on their pledge.

They can follow the brand on Instagram @BoxedWater to see tips on giving up plastic and can also sign up for a free pledge kit on the company’s website at to receive “I Took The Pledge” gear.

Now more than ever, people recognize the effects of their habits on the planet. Fast Company described 2018 as “the year the world finally started to wake up to the dangers of plastic.” ‘Single-use’ was named the word of the year according to Collins Dictionary. Consumers, corporations, and entire cities pushed back on the use of plastic straws last summer. Boxed Water believes plastic bottles will be next.

“48 plastic straws are equivalent to a single plastic bottle,” explained Robert Koenen, Chief Marketing Officer at Boxed Water. “We challenge everyone to take the next step towards sustainability and give up plastic bottles. The average American uses 167 bottles in a year. The impact of thousands of people giving up plastic bottles, even for a simple timeframe like 30 days, is massive.”

Boxed Water previewed the campaign to its most engaged followers, and within one week had over 1,000 people sign up for the pledge. The brand is also working with key brand partners to highlight their commitment to the planet and the impact of giving up plastic bottles.

AG Jeans, for example, started replacing plastic water bottles this year and will stop 73,000 plastic bottles from entering the planet. Throughout the campaign, other brands are encouraged to join and make a difference.

Boxed Water rallies its community to “No-Plastic Pledge” campaign

“Plastic production has skyrocketed in the last few years, and so has its pollution,” continued Koenen. “By making simple changes to our habits, we can all effect change to save the planet.”

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