I think most mums have heard of Bounty, it’s a nationwide pregnancy club that offers advice to mums and mums to be. With such a high profile one would think that safety is a priority to its members but I was rather shocked today to learn how Bounty has let many mothers down.
Last week they held a competition to win £100, you can imagine how many mums entered.
The competition was open for 3 weeks and by the second week 914 videos were submitted to their YouTube channel.
The entry rules were simple; email a video of your child doing something funny.
One mom tells me of her horror;
I entered the competition by clicking the ‘enter here’ link in the email that was sent to all members. This opened up a new Outlook window with the email address filled in automatically. I attached the video, and naturally put my contact details in the message (who wouldn’t? – you want to be found if you win, right?)
Moments later I got an automatic reply from YouTube saying ‘hi bountyuploads’ your video has been uploaded – That’s strange, I thought. That should have gone to Bounty, not me.
I clicked on the link to the video, and to my horror I saw that a video of my daughter was live online – with my FULL NAME, HOME ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, and EMAIL ADDRESS in the video description. This was available for the world to see – paedophiles and all! (Read the full story)
As you can see from the screen shot – my personal details were available for all to view!
Nowhere in the terms did it state ‘videos will be updated automatically’ or ‘do not put private details in your email’. The terms also say that videos will only be uploaded by Bounty if they are suitable and in the right format – which implies that they are being screened first (as one would expect)
Would you be happy with this service? Or more to the point the apology given?
Bounty need to be held accountable for the disgraceful way in which it let down its members.