This meme is hosted by the Bookishly Boisterous and the idea is simple. It’s a round-up of your week, in and out of book world. A place to store your thoughts, and basically anything you’d like to share on your blog.
Hmm so what’s been going on this past fortnight…
1. Time to be Dry: I started Sober September! I actually started on the 26th August so I can drink at a wedding I’m going to at the end of the month and still do a full 30 days. I try to do it at least once a year in the hopes that it will make me feel healthier, and to save a bit of money, but it usually just makes me feel bored.
It’s been plain sailing so far, despite certain friends trying to corrupt me, but I’ll definitely be gagging for a vino or 7 by the end of the month. This was how I said goodbye…
2. Swoon: So, I totally have a crush on Marcus Sedgwick, and have been enjoying stalking him -reading his blog, I mean. He posted a trailer for his upcoming book this week. I’m not really one for book trailers usually, but this one definitely got me intrigued.
3. I hate being a grown-up: Why are things like cancelling your Sky subscription or getting someone out to look at your gas meter SO DAMN DIFFICULT. I am not a fan of being put on hold. That’s enough to drive anyone to the drink.
4. Horror October: I started planning this year’s Horror October. It was a huge hit last year so hopefully it will be again. I’m looking for guest posts/interviews/collaborations- anything with a horror theme so get in touch if you wanna get involved!
5. Bad Boys & Besties: Two of my favorite links this week: Everyone loves a bad boy (or girl), right? and this Hello Giggles post about celebrity BFFs made me smile, a lot.
6. Twitter Lolz: Twitter has been brilliant lately. From Patrick Ness live tweeting his thoughts on the Twilight movie, to this:
How's your shelf space NOW @Ben_Aaronovitch?
— Joe Abercrombie (@LordGrimdark) August 31, 2014
7. Healthy-ish Sweets: I tried to make Halvah for the first time last week. It came out pretty yummy, but was chewy instead of chalky. Maybe because I used golden syrup instead of honey? I’m definitely gonna give it another go though.
8. Woah: When you visit your good friend’s parents house and realize for the first time that they are TOTALLY rich. There was a TAPESTRY, AND TWO STAIRCASES.
9. Ho Ho Ho…X Factor : So X Factor is back on, which totally means the countdown to Christmas is on. Sorry. In mind is it anyway. I already watched my first Christmas film of the year. Must be a personal best.
10. Google +: Do any of you use Google +? I don’t really get it. What am I supposed to do with it?
What do you want to get off your chest this week?