Books Magazine

Book Review: Deadly Devotion

By Bameskaur Pabla @bameslive
Deadly Devotion (Port Aster Secrets, #1)Deadly Devotion by Sandra Orchard
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Deadly Devotion is a crime mystery written by Sandra Orchard. It is the first book in the Port Aster series.

Kate Adams is a research scientist. Her mentor, boss, and friend, Daisy Leacock dies and the death has been ruled as a suicide by police. According to the coroner's report, Daisy died due to poisoning from something in her herbal tea. Kate does not accept the death as a suicide and demands the case be reopened so that Daisy's murderer is found.

Police Detective Tom Parker is ex-FBI who, thanks to his buddy, joins the police force in Port Aster. Most of his colleagues resent him because they feel he does not deserve to be there, but he tries to do his job as best he can. When Kate Adams starts insisting that the Daisy Leacock case be kept open and insists that the death was the result of a murder, Tom tries his best to convince Kate that it was all an accidental suicide. Kate them insists that she will find the killer on her own. But then, Tom learns that Kate stands to inherit as she features in Daisy's will. Did Kate posion Daisy? Or was it someone else?

I have read some other books by Revel and liked them so I decided to request to read Deadly Devotion from Netgalley which was approved. But...First things first. Kate's character is incredibly irritating. For someone who is supposed to be a research scientist, she is a total airhead.

She comes up with suspicions and ideas that even an eight year old will find stupid. There are so many characters but I was able to figure out whodunit the moment that character got in the picture which was before the middle of the novel. Tom's character is not that much better. He is probably the most incompetent cop ever and he is supposed to be ex-FBI. I mean... Really?! The other characters are no so believable either. 

I have to admit that I fell for the cover and totally ignored the old saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." However, contrary to most of the book reviewer's opinions, I did not like the book. I regret reading it. And I will definitely stay away from the other books in the series. Although there may be some readers and reviewers who will find the book interesting enough to give it more stars... I am unable to do so.

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Book Review: Deadly Devotion

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