Books Magazine

Book Review: Crimes Against a Book Club by Kathy Cooperman

By Hippiebookworm @HippieBookworm

Book Review: Crimes Against a Book Club by Kathy CoopermanI recently joined a book club at my local church. We read what you would expect, inspirational works by that of Joyce Meyer or Lisa Bevere – anything we believe will help us to improve ourselves or our relationships with others. But the one thing that I love about our group is that we are in all walks of life – one woman is just starting her family, while another is soon to be an empty nester. We’re all so different from one another except that we love to read Christian books – both fiction and non-fiction.

In Crimes Against a Book Club, best friends Annie and Sarah are desperate for money. Annie wants to pay for expensive therapy for her autistic son while Sarah has drained her bank accounts seeking a number of fertility treatments. The friends lament to one another over the phone of their woes and try to encourage each other….

Until one day, Annie is invited to a snooty book club that meets in a La Jolla, CA mansion and comes up with an idea. With Sarah as the front, the two friends concoct a beauty product sales scheme that contains nothing special except a little white powder.

If you’re a fan of Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty, you’ll LOVE Crimes Against a Book Club. This book is both fun and witty. The characters are so extreme in their self-loathing, alcoholism, ditziness and vanity that they lend a comical feel to the story. And wait until you meet Annie’s mother – the gem of the story.

While I probably won’t be recommending this book to my church book club any time soon, I would recommend this easy and intelligent read to almost any female book club.

A special note: I feel I must say this after I heard about all those women who threw out their Crockpots after watching the mid-season 2 finale of This is Us. Cocaine is not only an illegal substance, but a dangerous one. You never know how it may interact with individual biology and prescription medications. Although I can laugh at this fictional version of events, I would be appalled to learn that it had happened in real life. Drug abuse is no laughing matter and if you suffer from addiction, please seek help.

If you like books like these, check out my review of The Restaurant Critic’s Wife by Elizabeth Laban (

What other books would you recommend to readers who enjoyed Crimes Against a Book Club?

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