Expat Magazine
Today,Monday the 16th of April at 6:25 AM Greek time, I received the following newsfrom my publisher: “Congrats! You are officially a published48fourteen author.”My jawdropped and then I jumped out of my chair and performed a ridiculous dance ofjoy I’m grateful no one witnessed. I’m even more grateful no one witnessed mesliding off my chair a few seconds later… I managed to displace it during mydelighted dance and sat back down on the very edge of it, which made it tip and sendme crashing to the floor. I’m a PublishedAuthor with a bruised posterior… and I couldn’t be happier!Before I goout for a celebratory walk around town with my dog, Taxi Driver, I have acouple of things I need to say… To Mum andDad: Without you, there wouldn’t be a book. I’m grateful and proud to be yourdaughter. Thank you for believing in me, supporting me, and loving me. To JuanitaSamborski: Thanks for the bubbles. You’re the Queen of Word Document Comments!To FutureReaders of my book: I hope you enjoy the story! Summer is coming… you can bring“Change of Pace” with you to the beach. To Chris: Thanks for the congratulations. I heard you shout it all the way across the pond! You were right when you said my name would be on the cover of a book one day.