Fashion Magazine

#bob: Storm & Andrea

By Lesassorties @LesAssorties

Who: Storm & Andrea
Where: Storm: Berlin, Andrea: Hanover
Age: Storm: 25, Andrea: 20
Blogging Since: 2011


What inspired you to start your own blog?

Andrea and I loved the fact that we could share our love for fashion with other people all over the world. We love to combine looks and try to wear the same things differently. We hoped to be an inspiration for others. And we also wanted to get to know other fashion-obsessed people.

How important is the name of the blog?

The name of the blog is very important. When you pick a name for your blog, it should be something that you would like in five years from now. For us, it was important to have the word “two” in our name, so people can tell from the title that there are two people involved in the same blog.

How difficult is it to find a blog niche?

Well, it is kind of difficult now, because there are so many so-called bloggers and Instagrammers. The problem is that people don’t really separate Blogs, Instagram and Youtube here in Germany. Having an Instagram account is way different than having a blog; a blog is actually really hard work! Also today everyone can start a blog, so it’s important to have great pictures, interesting posts, and be different than the mass, but in a good way.

What is the best way to promote and grow your blog?

Social media is definitely one of the best ways to promote and grow your blog. For sharing your outfits, platforms like Lookbook can help you promote your blog. Also, connecting with our bloggers that tag you in a blogpost is a great way to reach out to other readers.

What is your main audience and how did you reach out to them?

Our main audience has changed within the last year. We used to be a “hyped” Instagram account, therefore most of our visitors came from America. But today most of our readers are from Germany, with a big interest for clean minimalistic looks. We reach out to them through Facebook, Facebook groups and Instagram.

How important is it for your business to attend fashion week?

It actually is important to attend fashion week, because you get to know so many people. You might connect with someone who can help you with your business, or even meet someone you were only chatting to through mails. Its important to get to know people personally, because it makes working with someone easier.

What are the best tips for building long-term relationships and partnerships with brands?

RESPECT! Not only from the blogger towards the brand but also the brand towards the blogger. If you do not feel like you are taken serious, you don’t have to work with the brand. The good thing is you can choose who you want to work with. It is important to have a set plan with the brand – What does the brand want from you? What is the brand expecting? Ask all the questions you need to ask, so that you won’t have problems. Do your best for every single post, and the brand will love to work with you, because they know that working with you is uncomplicated, and you always do your best to get the job done!

What is the biggest challenge about running a blog?

The weather and, in particular, winter. It is actually really annoying to blog during the winter! Here in Germany it gets dark at 4pm, and you can only take pictures on weekends (because we work and go to university until 6pm), and then on weekends it rains – we really have a problem. For us, it’s also difficult to take pictures, because Andrea is still living in Hanover and I am in Berlin. She doesn’t really have someone to take pictures of her. So she always has to wait for me to come home on weekends – she is desperately looking for a photographer, though.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to start a blog today?

Be yourself! It’s really important to be yourself, and this you should stay, even if you become successful. Don’t start a blog for the wrong reasons. It’s really hard work, and you shouldn’t start blogging for free goodies, events or clothes. Also don’t accept every collaboration you are offered; say “yes” only if you really think that a brands suits you and your blog. And make blogger friends! Don’t be alone in this. It‘s important to get to know other bloggers, so that you can grow together and help each other with your business.

What are your ultimate plans for your blog/blogging career?

We would love to be an inspiration for other people that love clean minimalistic style. But also to show others that you don’t have to have a full closet and lots of money to look good. We want to teach people that it’s not about having much money but how you combine your clothes, and that it‘s ok to wear things more than once. We would really love to be featured in magazines and be known as bloggers.

Images © The Adorable Two

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