Born and raised in Newport, Rhode Island, Jessica Kirby spend some time in fashion’s favorite capitals – Brooklyn, Manhattan, and LA – before returning home to establish her personal blog. From personal style to travel and home-décor posts, Prosecco & Plaid covers a variety of fashion and lifestyle topics. Her fashion advice is highly esteemed among dedicated readers, and snapshots of her outfits have been frequently featured in street-style columns around the world.
What inspired you to start your own blog?
I wasn’t happy in my current job, and I needed a creative outlet. I was chatting with my aunt over a glass of Prosecco at Christmas, and she said “find what you love and do that.” So Prosecco & Plaid was born.
How important is the name of the blog?
I wanted something catchy and fun. I love “Prosecco,” I love plaid – it just seemed easy. I think it also represents my life and style; it’s carefree, casual, fun, adventurous, outdoorsy, tomboy but also chic and feminine.
How difficult is it to find a blog niche?
I think you just have to stay true to yourself and what you love. There are a million blogs out there, but what is it that sets you apart? You have to give your readers and followers a reason to want to keep reading and coming back to your blog.
What is the best way to promote and grow your blog?
Definitely social media. Other fashion websites are great too, but Instagram has probably been my biggest growth channel. You have to have strong imagery and a cohesive story to tell.
What is your main audience and how did you reach out to them?
My audience is all over the place, but I would say it is primarily women aged 25-50. I think being consistent and providing content that is relevant for a wide range of people is key.
How important is it for your business to attend fashion week?
I’m really torn on this subject. I’ve definitely made some amazing connections by going to fashion week, but every year I go I feel like its less important. There’s nothing like seeing a runway show – it really is an incredible experience – but, to a point, I think it becomes oversaturated, and readers don’t really care. It’s really about making the content relevant for your readership.
What are the best tips for building long-term relationships and partnerships with brands?
Be responsive; produce good content; find the brands that best align with your style and aesthetic. Some of my best friends and people I really admire and respect I met through brands I’ve worked or work with.
What is the biggest challenge about running a blog?
Time management. I don’t have an intern or any help. I’m a one woman show, and also a consultant for other brands so it’s hard to step away sometimes. But I love it, so I don’t really mind working 24/7.
What advice would you give to anyone looking to start a blog today?
Start it for the love of blogging (whatever the subject matter). I didn’t start a blog to make money. I started mine as a creative outlet, and it has come a long way but I’ve worked really hard and I am always looking for ways to improve and produce better content.
What are your ultimate plans for your blog/blogging career?
One of the things that sets me apart is being based in Newport. New England is an amazing place, and I’d love for Prosecco & Plaid to be a destination for people looking to discover all the special things about it. I’m focusing on producing more travel and lifestyle content as well.
Images © Jessica Kirby