Fashion Magazine

#bob: Cee Fardoe

By Lesassorties @LesAssorties


Blog: Coco & Vera
Who: Cee Fardoe
Where: Vancouver and Paris
Age: 30
Blogging Since: June 2010

What inspired you to start your own blog?

When I started my blog, I worked in a job that I didn’t love and felt uninspired; I created Coco & Vera as a creative outlet that would allow me to express myself and connect with like-minded people.

How important is the name of the blog?

I don’t think that the name of your blog can make your blogging career, but coming up with a unique name that resonates with people and piques their interest is important.

How difficult is it to find a blog niche?

People talk a lot about finding a blog niche but I think, at least for most people, this is something that comes naturally as long as you are honest and authentic.

What is the best way to promote and grow your blog?

I think that the ways of promoting a blog are constantly changing and evolving. When I started in 2010, the way bloggers connected was through comments, but now I make a lot more connections through Instagram.

What is your main audience and how did you reach out to them?

My audience is widely varied, but I’ve reached out to them primarily via social media – it’s really amazing the way things like Twitter and Facebook introduce you to people you would never have known otherwise.

How important is it for your business to attend fashion week?

I’ve never really attended fashion week, so I can’t say it’s that important – I’m not a fan of large crowds and I don’t follow runway trends that closely.

What are the best tips for building long-term relationships and partnerships with brands?

Don’t sell yourself short; be up front with brands about how hard you work and what you can offer them – not every brand will be the right fit but if you stand by what you can offer (as well as you expect brands to pay for your services), the brands that are the right fit, with whom you will have enduring partnerships, will have more respect for you and what you do.

What is the biggest challenge about running a blog?

Quite simply, time. I have a full-time day job and finding time to fit in outfit photos, creating content and staying active on social media when I spend eight hours a day, five days a week on something else is no easy feat.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to start a blog today?

Look before you leap. When I started my blog, I did it on a whim, without knowing anything about graphic design, SEO or photography, all of which are so important for bloggers. Take time to think about who you are, who your brand is and how you want to communicate that, particularly visually, before you start posting.

What are your ultimate plans for your blog/blogging career?

Blogging, for me, is purely a passion project – and one that I’m lucky to say has lead to a lot of wonderful opportunities. My main goal is just to keep having fun with it. And when I stop having fun, I’ll stop blogging.

Images © Coco & Vera

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