Lifestyle Magazine

Blueberry & Lemon Coconut Milk Popsicles

By Mamakbest @mamakbest

Remember when I found this Coconut Milk Popsicle recipe?  Well I made them last weekend and added a little MKB twist!

Popsicle Molds

Of course my popsicle molds are pink! I need to find a bigger mold but these worked just fine.

The original recipe from The Rawsome Vegan Life used fresh fruit and fresh herbs for the popsicles. I decided instead of fresh herbs, I would use fresh lemon juice.

  Blueberry & Lemon Coconut Milk Popsicles Makes twelve Ice cream: 400 ml fresh raw coconut milk (or 1 can of store-bought)  1/4 cup raw honey Other ingredients: Blueberries Fresh Lemon Juice ( 2 lemons)  (warm the lemons in the microwave for about 40 seconds before squeezing, this maximizes the amount of juice you get from the lemon)

To prepare the popsicles: fill popsicle molds with small pieces of fruit, leaving room for the ice cream to fill in.

To make the ice cream: Blend the coconut milk, honey and lemon juice until smooth. Then carefully and slowly pour into your popsicle molds until they are full. Set in the freezer overnight or until frozen solid.

Lemon Blueberry and Popsicle

Blueberry and Lemon Coconut Milk Popsicle

 Of course there is always another recipe to try!   This one uses puree instead of whole fruit.

Like it? Love it? Tried it? Let me know about it!
Cheers to the weekend!
xoxo- Kellie

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