Family Magazine

Blood Transfusions After Labour – Real Birth Story

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Blood Transfusions After Labour – Real Birth Story

With just 16 days until my due date and I had already been wiping brown blood for 3 days but then it changed to bright red blood. I was getting constant back ache so I decided to go to hospital and get checked out. They told me it was my plug and that I was dilating but only at 1cm she she gave me the sweep to speed things along and I got sent home.

Then 3 days before my due date I began to experience mild contractions but they were irregular so I carried on with my normal day to day tasks. I went to asda and had a huge contraction which left me keeled over crying in the middle of a curry isle. I can assure you I had some strange looks that day. My mom took me straight to hospital where I was told I was only 2cm but was very dehydrated and baby was little distressed so they kept me in over night on a saline drip and monitors.

They sent me home 10am next day still 2cm, then Sunday the 4th at 11pm I was told to try nipple stimulation for half hour and my contraction were every 20mins. Then at 2am they were every 7 mins at 5am they were becoming quite bad so I woke my partner up and told him this is it we were going to meet our little girl today and I was now in a lot of pain he was still half asleep and told me to take my pillow and watch tv on the sofa so I hit him and said loudly ‘I’m in labour”

He soon jumped up then. I decided to wait a little longer and at 8am my mom picked us up and we arrived at the hospital by 9am I was 4cm.

I was then taken down to the main delivery suite and given gas and air at 1pm I needed to have my waters broken by then I was 6cm. I then asked for a pethadine shot which made me sleepy all I remember then is at 3.15pm I told the midwife I needed to fart .She told me I needed to start pushing.

My 8lb 10oz little princess was born at 3:31pm. I ended up needing 10 stitches and I held my baby for 5mins before I fell unconscious my blood pressure went to 44 over 66 (dangerously low) I could see but I couldn’t respond I can just remember seeing my mom and mother in law being rushed out the room.

My other half and new born baby shoved in a seat in the corner and 7 doctors around me wires and masks everywhere. I panicked the next thing I remember was it being 7:15pm and I was feeling ok I was taken to the ward but had to stay in for 3 days and had 2 blood transfusions.

My little girl is now 6months old and my other half finally shared his feelings the otherday about that moment he was petrefied hewas going to loose the love of his life and his child’s mother . He sat and cried his eyes out. I am currently 7weeks pregnant with our second and I hope to god this labor is different.

We have a large collection of real life birth stories right here on the blog, if you would like to share your own, please contact me

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