Hair & Beauty Magazine

Blogmas Day 5: Pregnancy | 29 Weeks with Baby #2!

By Livedwithlove @kerrymarie
Blogmas day 5: Pregnancy | 29 weeks with baby #2!
How far along? 29 weeks Total weight gain/measurements: I don't weigh myself! Maternity clothes: Still in the same ones, no new ones yet! Stretch marks? No new ones still thankfully! I am applying oil most nights when I remember. Best moment this week: Sienna asking to cuddle my bump. She has been into feeling her move or anything and I haven't pushed it but this was so sweet! 
Blogmas day 5: Pregnancy | 29 weeks with baby #2!

Miss anything? Not really! Movement: Wasok until Thursday/yesterday! We had a bit of a scare as Thursday I felt like she didn't move much even in the evening which is unlike her. Friday morning she didn't wake me up kicking like she normally does so I did panic a bit but of course shortly after ringing the hospital crying she was back to her normal safe and moving non stop! Thankfully!! It was so scary and emotional because the whole Rocco scenario was going through my head and I just didn't want to have to do it again, but fingers crossed she was just extra sleepy and now fine again! Food cravings: Still bacon! haha! Anything making you queasy or sick? I've felt ok this week! Apart from heartburn at night making me feel a bit sick.

Gender: GIRL!!! Labour signs: Nope! Symptoms: Heartburn, leaking boobs!! SPD pain and back ache. My double chin is out in full force! Is that a symptom?! haha! Belly button in or out? In Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on Happy or moody most of the time? Up and down this week! Looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat again at the midwives next week.
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