I don't know about any of you, but I am a terrible traveller, I get bored, restless, sick, and annoy everyone I am with, which is why I usually have to travel alone:(.So I thought I would share some of my travel essentials to make things a little better this winter if you're traveling home for christmas.
Tackling headachesIf you get sick, or get headaches while you fly, or travel, like I do, I have found something amazing (although you look a little silly), to get you through it.It is the 'kool n soothe' migraine head strips.

MusicNo person in the world is stupid enough to travel anywhere without an iPod, or some form of mp3....surely?

I love Gary Barlow's new album, Katy Perry's new album is actually really good as well, which I was definitely surprised about, and Miley Cyrus is just a guilty pleasure.
I wish that Animals was part of an album but it isn't quite yet, hopefully Martin Garrix will bring an album out soon so I can buy it!
Travelling is a pain with all of the annoying noises and stuff you can't really avoid, so this time I am going to buy some proper noise cancelling headphones. You can get loads of reallllly expensive ones but I figured I'd get some cheap ones for now.
You can get the ones I'm getting at:
Once my horrific headaches have slowly buggered off, I get really bored whilst travelling, so these are a few ways I avoid getting too bored.
You always get little shops in the airport where you can buy puzzle books. This may sound ridiculous, and lame but my whole group at school were obsessed with arrow word puzzle books, we would literally do them all of our lunch break...(grammar school banter), so now I do them when travelling, it is such a good way to distract yourself, and if you don't get travel sick from reading it is perfect!
iTunes movies!
You can download films to your phone or iPod before boarding the plane, and if you have a short plane journey like me from Aberdeen to London, it is the perfect way to kill time. Some DVD's come with a digital upload code, so I currently have pitch perfect on my iTunes, and I have watched it so many times. On my last journey to Glasgow I watched the full movie on the way there and on the way back... obsessive much.
Books duhhhh
The airport/train station/bus station always has a WHSmith's, I don't know why, but they are always there, and there are always amazing book deals on. On my way back from Spain with my Mumma I read the whole of the first hunger games book. I couldn't resist it was too good.
I definitely recommend getting a book if you can stomach reading whilst traveling. Don't bring a boring book though, because who wants to read boring stuff?
General bits and bobs
uno: make sure you always have change with you, because there is nothing worse than being ridiculously hungry or thirsty and not being able to buy anything.
dos: if you're a woman, take make-up wipes. this may sound ridiculous if you're going on a short trip but sometimes taking off your make up can make you feel so much better if you're getting restless and all hot and bothered!
tres: sugary snacks or drinks, once you get through security be sure to pick up something that will give you an energy boost. even if you're only traveling for a small amount of time, it can still drain you of all of your energy. The waiting around and stuff makes me feel so grumpy and tired!
and finally; don't wrap up too warm, comfort is necessary but you needn't wrap up too much because you'll just over heat and be the annoying person that gets up all the time to go to their bag (and no one wants to be that person!)
I hope this blogmas post was useful for your travels home!
merry blogmas