Photography Magazine

Blogging for Global Entrepreneurship Week 2011

By Naomiestment @naomiestment

Post image for Blogging for Global Entrepreneurship Week 2011

In contemplating Global Entrepreneurship Week 2011 (14 – 20 Nov 2011), I’m reminded of the creative fulfilment in helping someone launch a blog, especially a great guy like Doug Boake, owner of Redline Logistics, who is a successful entrepreneur and dirt bike rider (I’m not sure which comes first


Central to the design was the compelling header image above, which I created in Photoshop for him, incorporating the key elements of the Redline brand. His business is all about specialist, intensive care transport and brand installation services. Don’t you just love the box in a bow?

It spoke to me immediately, as did our visit to the spick-and-span premises, where we set up a portable studio to photograph the staff portfolio and followed up with a location shoot in and around the warehouse, to help populate the blog with professional images.

Blogging for Global Entrepreneurship Week 2011

Dave Estment of OV&P Studio photographing on location at Redline Logistics

Taking a step back, though, the first order of business was to sit down with Doug and discuss his unique vision for the blog. From the start, this blew me away. Despite knowing that he’s a fabulous friend and consummate biker, I hadn’t guessed at the goldmine of insight and inspiration that Doug has to share, built on hard-won experience. This not only relates to his niche industry, but to entrepreneurship across the board, in a most practical way.

To illustrate the point, here’s a link to his most recent post, Big Match Temperament, which draws on the massive growth opportunity that his company engaged in during the FIFA World Cup 2010. Coming through with flying colours taught them some powerful lessons, which he urges others to be mindful of as they watch this year’s Rugby World Cup 2011, currently blazing a trail through New Zealand.

High Five to Doug for implementing his plan to share this gift with others, in line with the concept of Global Entrepreneurship Week. The 2011 event, taking place from 14 – 20 November, promises to be brilliant. GEW 2010 involved 118 countries and over 7,000,000 individuals!

My USA business partner, Michelle Salater, and I plan to contribute to GEW too – in a significant way that partly involves teaching people to blog for powerful results. Details to follow ASAP.

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