Lifestyle Magazine

Blogging Break Over & a Beautiful Beijo Bag!

By Verybusymama @verybusymama
Finally back from Chile!
I thought I would be blogging loads but I had just the opposite reaction. I didn't want to to anything.
No Facebook.
No tweeting.
No blogging.
I can't completely explain it, but I think I just needed a break. I'd been going non-stop for months especially since moving back to the US from London in October.
I've also been questioning my life as a blogger and I had time to reflect on what I want. Although I have yet to come to a definite conclusion, I do know that  I want to move to WordPress, get a new logo and make more of an effort to get myself out there. And make it to at least ONE conference next year. I have a few other ideas and goals in mind but I'll leave those for another post.
This weekend was spent doing laundry, spending family time with Little M and the Mr. and starting our house hunt. We scoped out some areas, called about some places and we are determined to find a place ASAP. Oh and I did mention it is BLAZING hot?! What a change from the Chilean winter.
I am thrilled to be wearing my summer dresses again and to know that despite eating massive amounts of carbs over the past six weeks, I only gained 5 lbs. I don't have the fastest metabolism in the world, so  being able to maintain my weight after losing 22 lbs with Medifast is a small miracle!
Anyway, this is a very random post, but I wanted to share with you a few pictures taken by my 3.5 year old today. He asked me "¿mami, puedo sacar fotos?" (mami, can I take pictures?)
I don't usually let him use my iPhone, but I saw how eager he was. I told him to make sure he saw me in the frame and tap the button. He wanted to take pictures of everything! I told him he could take a few pictures a day. Now I've got my very own super cute photographer!
Here are a few pictures he took today: ( I had to duck into the frame for a few of them!)
Blogging break over & a beautiful Beijo Bag! First photo shoot by Little M
Blogging break over & a beautiful Beijo Bag! Learning to hold camera steady
Blogging break over & a beautiful Beijo Bag! Dress: Belk (worn to The White House) Sandals: Target as seen here Necklace: Bamboleo Stella & Dot Necklace from Stylist Kristin Biggs Handbag: Show and Tell Beijo Bag from Stylist Nel Miranda
Did you see my gorgeous new Show And Tell Beijo Bag?! Wowza! 
I met up with my friend and Beijo Bag consultant Nel (and Latina mom!) on Saturday and she gave me the bag to feature and tell you about their range. I had chosen this one before Chile, and believe me, it was not an easy choice. Their bags are just so delicious that it's difficult to make up your mind. But don't worry, I will fill you in on all the details very very soon! 
I've also got more exciting news coming this week (some of you already know what I'm talking about!) and then on Friday we are heading to New Jersey for my brother in laws wedding. I've been struggling on finding a decent dress, but I did find one. You may be surprised by my choice, but you get to see it later on. 
Have a great week, keep cool and enjoy the last few weeks of summer. I know that I am!

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