Today I will be discussing my likes and dislikes of Wordpress and Blogger. Each site is didn't for others. As an user to both of the sites I will enlighten you on positives, grievances and what would further improve the platforms.
- Easily customisable pre-made themes.No need to mess with HTML.
- Reliable as it's a Google service.
- 100% free unless using 3rd party blog themes and customisations.
- Ad-free unless you are using AdSense in which you allow.
- Straightforward to use change domain to your own pre-paid.
- Posts appear on Google search engines.
- Basic overview of traffic and demographic information.
- Mobile compatibility.
- Easy to design, drop and drag to make changes.
- A range of simple gadgets.
- You don't own your blog since you abide by Google's terms and conditions. They have every right to remove your blog if it breaches the contract.
- Limited range of free themes.
- Limited storage.
- A professional and 'serious' blogger appearance.
- The responsibility for your blog as a whole.
- Large range of free themes.
- A range of WordPress theme designers.
- WordPress will display ads on your page if you are a free user.
- Background knowledge of HTML and CSS <-- li="" nerdy="" talk.="" techy="">