Thank you Janice and The Beautified Blogger for nominating me for this award! For those of you who haven’t checked out either of them, you are truly missing out on so much! You will love them as much as I do, there’s no doubt about it! =)
The rules:
- Pass the tour on up to four other bloggers.
- Give your nominees the rules and a specific Monday to post.
- Answer four questions about your creative process which lets other bloggers and visitors know what inspires you to do what you do.
- How does my work differ from others in my genre?
- How does my writing/creative process work?
- Why do I write or create what I do?
- What I’m working on at the moment?
- Compose a one-time post on a specific Monday (date given from your nominator).
I got given 25th of May as the one-time post day!
My answers:
1. How does my work differ from others in my genre?
This is a really tough question to answer because I drew inspiration for my blog from other bloggers! I guess my blog doesn’t differ that much in terms of content but I feel as though I’ve created a layout and theme that has made it more ‘me’. When I was first starting to think about what I wanted my blog to look like, making it personal and also making it a true representation of myself were things that I considered as being extremely important. I guess that’s what makes my blog different – just the fact that it’s a part of me, a part of my personality and interests as a person that makes it truly unique!
2. How does my writing/creative process work?
I don’t really have a particular set process. What I decide to post is usually very spontaneous because I get ideas as they randomly come by. I normally have a few posts prepared in advance that I can publish when my schedule allows, and I honestly just choose the one that feels right to me at the time. I just space them out so that I don’t upload two similar posts back to back! There’s really no set layout or guideline that I follow, I just use my gut feeling! It’s the same when it comes to writing my posts. Of course, if it’s a PR post then I will definitely plan it because I will have to make sure I include all the information needed but if it’s a regular post then I just go with the flow. I guess a review post is closest to me having a mental guideline because I normally start off with an introduction into what the product is and it’s claims, then work my way through to the packaging, all the way to how well the product actually works and finishing off with my signature advantages and disadvantages, and product rating.
3. Why do I write or create what I do?
For me, blogging was a way for me to just simply share my interest in makeup but that’s no longer the main reason why I blog. Now, it’s all about creating a positive and happy environment while still expressing my passion in beauty! I started my blog while I was on my end of year break from uni and I was feeling really unfulfilled, like I wasn’t do anything productive in my life. It was starting to bother me quite a bit so I decided to finally start a blog. I think I’ve said this a few times before but YouTube was initially what I wanted to start off with but being the perfectionist that I am, I wanted to invest in a better camera and lighting setup. After much thought, I realised that the investment was too much so I decided to give blogging a try instead and I’m really so so happy that I made that decision. I now write because I truly have fallen in love with it and most of all, being able to interact with all of you is just so special to me! =)
4. What I’m working on at the moment?
I haven’t been working on anything major for my blog at the moment unfortunately! =( If anything, I’m working on a schedule to follow once I finish my finals! I will have a lot more time to blog starting from the final week of June when I’ll be completely done with the first uni semester of the year!
My nominees:
The date I’m going to set is two weeks from now, which will be the 8th of June! =) I look forward to seeing your answers to these questions! It’s always fascinating to read about how everyone’s creative mind is so different from each other and these questions are perfect to learn more about them!