Hair & Beauty Magazine

Blog Star Sunday: Dhara of 'The Happi Therapy'

By Sudhaa Gopinath @sudhaag17
Blog Star Sunday: Dhara of 'The Happi Therapy'
Happy Easter to all!!! Hope you ladies are having a fabulous weekend. This week's Blog Star is Dhara of ' The Happi Therapy'. I would agree with her that there is nothing more therapeutic than doing the things we love.  Here is about Dhara in her own words. "Hi, I am Dhara, a full time mom and just someone who enjoys looking beautiful. Makeup started up as a compulsion and now has become an addiction. I live for chocolates and nail polishes !!"  and about her blog: "The Happi Therapy is just a happi place, talking about things that make me happi ;)"
Here is the fun questionnaire that sheds light on what Dhara likes and dislikes.
  • Your most prized makeup product.
A Maybelline lipstick which my then boyfriend-now hubby got for me from Madrid way back in 2003. I still have it and love it to the core.
  • Favorite makeup/lip product...
MAC Spirit lipstick.
  • Favorite eye candy
Bradley Cooper..ohh his eyes *swoons*
  • Random fact about you..
I can cry at the slightest hint of sadness while watching movies so I make it a point to wear a waterproof mascara to the theater. You never know when the waterworks would start LOL.
  • Your philosophy on Life...
quite simple actually, Live and let live :)
  • Your pet peeve...
Chipping of nails. Mainly its because I am never careful while working and I am so clumsy that my nails bang/scratch on all sorts of surfaces. And also because I know that if 2 or more nails are broken, I'll chip them all !!
  • Who or what inspire you and why...
There are so many people and incidents that inspire me or motivate me, its hard to choose...Mainly its the attitude of not wanting to settle with ordinary that keeps me motivated.
  • Song on your lips??? 
Recently its There's Party on My Mind from Race 2.
  • Which habit are you proud of breaking ?
 I had this really bad habit of picking on the acne on my face but have stopped doing it since a year or so.
  • Do you have a workout or diet routine??? 
I do have both routines and I have to try extremely hard to keep up with both because I am lazy and love eating everything that is wrong :p Both my routines keep changing. Only things constant in diet is the inclusion of green tea and workout is 10 mins of skipping !!
  • Are you a morning or a night person?? 
  • If you would get an all expense paid trip, where would you go ??? 
  • What are you crazy about ??? 
Nail polishes and chocolates...2 things that I can never have enough of !!
  • What freak you out (your phobias) 
Driving a car...I can't drive a car to save my life, my legs start wobbling the minute I get into the driving seat ! I am a mild claustrophobic too.
  • What cool super power would you like to possess??
 I would love to disappear and re-appear at any place and any time. This wish actually comes from the fact that all the people I love the most in my life stay thousands of miles away from me.
  • Are you interested in Fashion and giving advice on them?
Fashion in my mind is very different to the general meaning of the term. For me, its being able to carry off the tackiest of the outfits and still looking gorg ;)
  • Are you a Dog or cat person??? 
None...I dislike pets. It would actually torture me to death at being helpless in understanding the animal. But if I had to still choose, I'd go with cats because I am extremely scared of dogs, thanks to horrible childhood incidents :p
  • If you win $50 Million Dollars, what would you do with it?? 
Travel to exotic locations all over the world, save a huge sum for daughter and open at least one home for women of our country who stay in an unhappy marriage only because 'they have nowhere to go'.
  • What kind of people do you avoid? 
Liars and meanies...because I am always so honest in everything I do or say, I expect the others to be the same and when that doesn't happen, I keep them away to save myself the hurt.
  • How would you describe your self (4 words)??
 Cheerful, honest, practical and a fighter. Some of her Interesting & Popular Post: Project Polish 75 ' Random Indies' Project Polish 75 'Colorbar' Project Polish 75 'O.P.I' Project Polish 75 'M.A.C' Project Polish 75 'Revlon' Project Polish 75 'Sally Hansen'

There is more where this came from, so do take some time to check out her other posts as well.

Personal Note**** We have a lot in common Dhara :) Me too am scared of driving, but God!! hopefully i get rid of it soon. Blog Star Sunday: Dhara of 'The Happi Therapy'

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