Hi guys! Today I’m taking part in my first ever blog hop A big thanks to Sandra from Quirky Books who passed the blog hot baton to me. Although the questions are kind of designed for books in progress, and although I am currently writing a new book on sex and relationships, I’ve decided to talk about my newly released sci fi story Gyaros Book One! My brother Alex and I have collaborated to answer the following questions about the new book. So here we go!
What is the (working) title of your book?
Gyaros Book One – The Mice Eat Iron is the name of the new book.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
My brother Alex and I have often through up fantastical universes and filled them with lore, stories and characters. This time we just decided to act on the inspiration and make it into a book. One evening in January we were chatting about this and that when we came up with the idea for Gyaros and went from there.
What genre does your book fall under?
New Adult Sci Fi, Action/Adventure and Space Opera.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Oh man this is such a fun, well we’ve actually thought about this quite a bit. We’d get Edward Norton to play the lead character Miles Stanton, Terry Crews (Expendables) as Maxen Ward, Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad) as Ryker Phelan, Catherine Chan (Safe) as Lucy (though she might be a bit too old now) and it would be super cool to get Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead to play Jasper Ransom! Now I wanna watch the movie
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Meek, white collar worker, husband and father’s life is turned up side down as he is exiled to the prison colony moon Gyaros.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Self published. Love keeping control of the rights of the work. If we are lucky and he book is a hit then traditional publishers may become interested. For now though I’m happy to self publish as I do with all my works.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
About two and a half months. We worked very hard and very fast, of course having both of us writing the book simultaneously helped a great deal.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Hmm, our book combines elements of post apocalyptic survival stories like The Road, World War Z and even Apocalypse Z, but then also has those stylized Philip K Dick type sci fi elements. The society described in the story is also very authoritarian, with some similarities to the works of Orwell and Huxley.
Who or What inspired you to write this book?
We are both big fans of sci fi movies, books, anime and video games in particular. We set out to write what, in our minds, would be the kind of book we’d love to read, the film or anime we’d love to watch and the game we’d love to play.
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
The Mice Eat Iron is Book One in a planned Trilogy. We are actually currently working on Book Zero at the moment, a short prequel to book one which will release in May this year, and we will start work on Book Two in June. We plan to have the entire Trilogy released before the end of 2013 so you won’t have to wait long to finish the story!
Now I’m passing this along to…drum roll please…
I’m passing the blog hop on directly to these authors but here’s the deal; if you are currently working on a piece of writing be it a short story, a novel, a serialized story on your blog and so on, I want you to feel free to take the blog hop from me, you can say I nominated you because I certainly would! And the same goes if you’ve recently released a book
Here though are a few writers who I will pass the hop onto directly, just do it if you feel like it
- Rory Mackay
- Athena Brady
- Dianne Gray
- Tiffany Metzger
- Alex Kelly OC
- Tim Boyle
Thanks for reading guys! Gyaros Book One – The Mice Eat Iron is out now in ebook format on Amazon. Click HERE to sample or purchase the book. To get a free copy of the book and take part in the Gyaros Blog Tour click HERE!
Keep well, all the best!