BlockLauncher Pro v1.14.2 Apk: ON JELLY BEAN, THIS utility can not USE built-inal MINECRAFT TEXTURES with out ROOT get right of entry to! A texture percent is supplied for those without root.

THIS application IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH some SAMSUNG devices! devices with Samsung Knox or other security answersmight not be able to utilize the live patchbuilt-ing and the ModPE Script Runtime of BlockLauncher. Patchintegratedg .mod-formatted patches and texture packs nonetheless work. A restoration is bebuilt-ing labored on.
BlockLauncher pro is a custom Mintegratedecraft Pocket edition launcher that wraps around Mbuilt-inecraft PE and givesloadintegratedg of patches, texture packs, and server IPs.
(formerly known as MCPELauncher)
THIS utility won’t paintings ON ALL devices! Please try the unfastened model before built-inbuybuiltintegrated this model to built-in that the app is compatible.
simply pick out options on built-inintegrated display screen, then pick out mods. it’s far that smooth!
This program masses from the presently integrated copy of Mintegratedecraft PE, so it need to be compatiable with the mod patchintegratedg features of PocketTool and QuickPatch.
Jelly Bean users: presently, this application can’t load integrated textures from copies of Mintegratedecraft mounted built-ingintegrated Google Play on Android four.1 and above. The 7fd5144c552f19a3546408d3b9cfb251 texture % may be used if no texture percent is selected.
Patch an unlimited wide variety of PTPatches and ModPE scripts
Load textures from any Pocket edition-compatiable texture percent
Patch server IPs
fix Xbox live logbuilt-in
restoration ModPE.openInputStream for Blokkit mod
Disable alpha_sbuilt-ingle_side block render layer
some methods are disabled built-in release, built-instance, level.playSound, addParticle, object.setProperties, and setFoodItem. We’re built-ing on updatintegratedg them for zero.16.