01/23/2012 – by Cynthia Wright
North Carolina Pastor Patrick Woodenbelieves that gay sex will bring the human civilization to a close (yes, since we are the overwhelming majority), not only that but gay men will have to seek out ‘gay diapers’ since we all know what gay male sex does to the anus. During a

'Beautiful Blackness' Himself
conversation with “gay-friendly” host, Peter LaBarbara- Wooden lashed out about how the gays were out to ruin the heterosexual experience with their saggy-boweled ways.
“Who wants to practice anything that is going to ultimately lead a grown man to about the time he’s in his 40s or 50s, or what not, having to wear a diaper or a ‘butt plug’ just to be able to contain their bowels?”
Not entirely sure how he knows this first hand or where he received the facts to back up his little statement but let’s continue, shall we? Wooden goes on to quote, “The God of the Bible made human sperm, the God of the Bible designed it and it was not designed to be emptied into an area filled with feces.”
Tell that to the porn industry (or straight women that love anal play), the gay community is not the only one taking to coming in through the proverbial ‘backdoor’ – if you get my meaning.
Of course – that would make too much sense and Wooden was out to get his point across. When a question was posed about how the LGBT movement is likening itself to civil rights, the outspoken pastor wasn’t about to hear that, stating that it sickened him to have his “beautiful blackness” compared to “homosexual perversion.”