(Argan oil hair mask and hand&nail cream - £1 each from Poundland)

(Baby lips - £1.95 - B&M bargins/ Eyelash curler - Poundland/ Revlon nail polish - Poundland/ MUA lip gloss - £1 Superdrug)

(Charlie body spray - 89p Superdrug/ Hair brush with mirror - £1 at B&M bargins)

(Sweetheart cup and fine liners - £1/ Butterfly fairy lights - £1 Poundland)
So every year me and my group of friends join together to buy a gift for the birthday girl. We first started this little tradition in March and it works so well. What we do is pair up and go shopping at little boutiques (by boutiques I mean Poundland and 3 for 2 deals at Primark or Superdrug) and get things that we associate with that person. So for example, one of my friends is obsessed with stationary, organisation and coffee so we brought her so many different fine liners, post-its and coffee sachets. Or, as this post will be about, girly girls getting them beauty related treats and cute little decorations. The best thing about doing this 'Goddie Bag' means that you split the price only spending £7-£10 each.I hope this post inspired you or helped you choose presents for up and coming birthdays. Leave me a comment telling me what you like to receive for your birthday.