Diaries Magazine

Birthday Baby

By Roopz @Roopakutty

Birthday Baby
Guess what…! I’ve been sitting in front of my laptop staring on the screen for last few minutes. I am highly confused on how to start the blog post. Was that the same that I experienced exactly three years back? But the conditions are different now. Three years ago, blogosphere was a new world for me. It took almost one year for me to explore and understand the possibilities of blogging. From name, design, development to promotion, I did all things alone! Today, I can proudly say my blog has completed three beautiful years in blogosphere.
Earlier, I kept on nagging my friends to read my blog whenever I publish a new post. I must say I am thankful for all my dear ones for bearing me patiently. Besides my friends, parents and relatives, there are many fellow bloggers who visit my blog frequently to give me valuable remarks. I have stopped the habit of mentioning names of people in gratitude list as I don’t want to skip or remove any names in the next special posts. Thanks to all!
Now here are a few things to know about my blog and blogger life:
  • First Post: A Walk Through The Dusty Road
  • Most Discussed Post: Where is Soni Bhattathiripad?
  • Venue of blog launch: I MA Class Room, Amrita School of Communication, Coimbatore
  • Happiest Moment: When the blog got a Google Rank and also 100 followers
  • Saddest Moment: To see hundreds of my blog posts in another person’s blog
  • Changes in life: Journey from Roopa to roopz
  • Best Promoters: Indiblogger and Facebook Page

The voyage of my blog from a class room to web world is still a surprise for me. This post might be one of the smallest posts in Village Girl’s blog. If it is a dearest moment or thing, you’ll find it hard to describe. Wishing my blog a very happy birthday! Thanks for making my life wonderful…

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