Biology Magazine

Why Are Humans Furless?
The title of this post is a bit of a lie, humans aren’t actually furless (and I’m not just talking about the hair on our head). In actual fact humans have as much hair as chimps do... Read more
Why Do We Walk Upright?
Walking upright is one of the defining features of humans, separating us from the rest of the living apes. So it’s hardly surprising that the origins of... Read more
The 15 October 2013 by Reprieve
Baboon Collaring
You are hungry. It’s time to pop out pick up some supplies. What crosses your mind first? Will Tesco be packed out right now? Will I get eaten by a leopard... Read more
The 19 October 2013 by Iratemonkey
Answers in Genesis Claims Gorillas Have Human Feet
Last week the Cleveland Museum of Natural History updated their reconstruction of the 3 million year old possible human ancestor, Lucy. Read more
The 14 October 2013 by Reprieve
Why Are Humans Furless?
The title of this post is a bit of a lie, humans aren’t actually furless (and I’m not just talking about the hair on our head). In actual fact humans have as... Read more
The 08 October 2013 by Reprieve
Answers in Genesis Claim New Australopithecus Fossil is Human!
Cleveland’s reconstruction of Lucy (left) and BoneClone’s older reconstruction (right)The Cleveland Museum of Natural History has recently re-reconstructed Lucy... Read more
The 07 October 2013 by Reprieve
New Fossil Trims Our Family Tree
Our family originally evolved in Africa, but over the last 2 million years we’ve spread throughout the world in a series of migrations. Read more
The 31 October 2013 by Reprieve
Could Neanderthals Talk?
The image of Neanderthals needed a lot of rehabilitatingVictorian scientists originally thought our close cousins, the Neanderthals, were little more than dumb... Read more
The 10 October 2013 by Reprieve
Neanderthals Ate Haggis?
A Neanderthal (right) and human (left) skull. Notice how the brain case of the Neanderthal is a fair bit bigger than the human oneThe Neanderthals were our clos... Read more
The 22 October 2013 by Reprieve
Homo Rudolfensis is Slightly Older Than Previously Thought
Homo rudolfensis (right) and Homo habilis (left)2 million years ago marked a critical moment in human evolution as it is the first time our genus (Homo) split... Read more
The 25 October 2013 by Reprieve