Biology Magazine

Which Male Traits Are Being Sexually Selected For?
Those of us interested in human evolution spend a lot of time looking into the past, so it can be easy to forget that evolution is an on-going process that continues to shape our... Read more

Why Did Prehistoric People Make Cave Art?
Humans have been painting caves for tens of thousands of years (and many tribes continue to do so). Some of the most famous art are from the European Upper Palaeolithic, being... Read more
Why Did Prehistoric People Make Cave Art?
Humans have been painting caves for tens of thousands of years (and many tribes continue to do so). Some of the most famous art are from the European Upper... Read more
The 23 July 2013 by Reprieve
Which Male Traits Are Being Sexually Selected For?
Those of us interested in human evolution spend a lot of time looking into the past, so it can be easy to forget that evolution is an on-going process that... Read more
The 25 July 2013 by Reprieve
How The Brain Draws A Little You
image credit Inside each of us is a miniature version of ourselves. The Canadian neurologist Wilder Penfield discovered this little person in the 1930s, when... Read more
The 27 July 2013 by Gerard
What Came Before Bipedalism?
Chimps have a special place in our culture as “stand ins” for our early ancestors. The classic ascent of man image depicts us evolving upwards from a knuckle... Read more
The 30 July 2013 by Reprieve
Calling All Hyaenas
It’s been about five months since we collared the first brown hyaena and we still hadn’t downloaded from either of the two collared hyaenas. Read more
The 30 July 2013 by Iratemonkey