After 2 years of production, we are PROUD to share that Avrie has landed her 1st BIG leading role!

Our official due date is Oct 2nd - but based on our doc & clinic location we are opting for a c-section at 39 weeks which will make baby sonnek #2's due date being Friday Sept 25th!
I may post a few things here and there about this experience so far, but nothing detailed as far as a week by week "bump date". There's just too much going on with getting our house sold, settling into our new home and just enjoying another Summer but in our new home. Looking ahead we already have half of our Summer accounted for- it's going to FLY by!
SO far I have been feeling pretty much the same as I was with Avrie. Main differences being that I feel BIGGER... more TIRED... and my back is giving me a lot of trouble off and on- mainly sciatica. And as mentioned in the intro to my post, this was a long, stressful & tiring process to get us here. We had been trying for 2 years.
As of today, I am 21 weeks and 4 days so over HALF WAY THERE. We had our 20 weeks ultrasound last Monday and it was so fun & reassuring to see a growing baby being active and CUTE inside this big 'ol belly of mine.
And just like our first, we will NOT be finding out baby's gender, we like the surprise at delivery! We aren't set on any names quite yet and won't be sharing them until baby is here either. SOrrryyy.....
BUT if all goes planned for big sis Avrie, she will be having a " baby sister, named 'Sparkles' " ;)
Thank you for all your well wishes, we are SO excited and a bit anxious about having TWO kids by the end of this summer!