Business Magazine

Big Data, Big Results for Integrated Marketers

Posted on the 15 May 2013 by Marketingtango @marketingtango

All of those social media posts, viral videos and cell phone GPS signals contribute to the 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created daily, according to IBM. In fact, our content-driven society has produced more than 90 percent of the data in the world over the past two years. That’s what is being called “big data.”

In fact, the next big idea in business is big data. And if you know how to harness it, big data can yield big returns for your integrated marketing efforts. Some futurists and computer scientists are calling data the most important asset any company owns. And like any asset, it must be measured to be meaningful.

Although most organizations are struggling to yield big returns from big data, data integration software company Informatica has published an infographic showing ways integrated marketers in various industries can fuel big results. Here are three directives you can begin to implement as part of your integrated marketing plan this quarter:

The Cost of Lost Productivity

According to an Avanade global study, knowledge workers waste approximately 60 percent of every day attempting to find or manage data. Creating a library of integrated marketing materials that any of your company employees can find instantaneously can arm them for action.

Trust Is a Currency

Are you among the 29 percent of companies that measure the monetary cost of poor data quality? If not, consider this your inspiration: One communications technology company picked up $2 million in annual revenue by correcting inaccurate billing addresses, Informatica shared.

Get Relevant to Get Real

EPiServer, as reported in “Embracing Personalization, Demanding Better Technology Tools,” found that 45 percent of executives believe they’d reap higher ROI from their personalized communications with more relevant data. Integrated marketers can step in here to give business owners and C-suite executives custom information on prospective and current customers to boost results from their big data.

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