Lifestyle Magazine

{BIC 4 Color Pen: An Essential}

By Whimofthesouth

{BIC 4 Color Pen: An Essential}
BIC® 4-Color™ Pen is a classic product that can bring colorful inspiration to everyday writing. Each color helps you express your mood. BIC has created a series of videos - giving each color a personality and a spandex suit!Blue: Blue likes himself. And with good reason: he knows that he's important. Blue cheese, blue skies, blue jeans, blue moon; he's everywhere! To prove his point, look at the names of his family members: Navy Blue, Oxford Blue, Royal Blue...Ever heard of "royal yellow"? Exactly. Let's admit it… Blue is the boss.Green: Green is the jealous type…wouldn’t you be if your Red, Blue, and Black counterparts were used [way] more often than you? He’s a foodie. Such a foodie that he chronicles each of his daily meals on his social media profile. Because if you eat a meal and don’t take a picture of it, did it really even happen? Green has a soft side too. For example, last summer he cooked a huge cat nip cake for his beloved cat, Mr. Furrybottom. Oh, and Green still sucks his thumb. But according to him, that's an old trick to prevent him from snoring.Red: Red likes it when things are correct. When matches are parallel and books are well aligned on a shelf. His favorite moment of the day? When it is 11:11 sharp on his digital watch. His passion in life? He has many: spelling, grammar, conjugation, calculation. And a bit of syntax on the weekend. Want to make him happy? Give him some mistakes to correct. He even makes mistakes on purpose sometimes, just for the pleasure of correcting them.Black: He just doesn’t understand…why does it always have to be about Blue? He is not as fit as Blue although he likes to think that he's just as handsome as he is – in a different way though. (Muscles are so last season). He secretly dreams of becoming the Undisputed Master of the World but hasn't yet come up with a clear plan for this. And before we forget (although he doesn't like to talk about it), his natural hair color is blond.Follow BIC’s social channels for more BIC 4-Color pen fun. You can see and enjoy more unique BIC 4-Color content and learn more about the 4 personalities on their Facebook Page. The BIC 4-Color Pen Twitter page allows you to follow along with the four color hijinks, daily updates from your favorite colors in spandex suits!Need a BIC 4-Color pen of your own? DUH! - Purchase one on or Staples.com______________________________________________________Now that you've read about WHO these colors are, it's time to tell you my thoughts. Personally my favorite is obviously blue because BLUE IS BOSS! I know, I know. I'm not supposed to pick favorites because they're all friends and actually one pen but I just adore the description of blue. We are kindred spirits! Being a college student, having colored pens is a necessity, like air or water or sleep. We simply can't get through classes without them. BIC provides 4 colors in ONE pen which makes it easy to find in my mess of a school bag. There's no doubt that you can find one of these little guys (or because of blue's ego) on my desk. It's a go to for every student/ teacher/ and professional.xoBCC*All opinions are my own. This is a sponsored post.*

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