Lifestyle Magazine

Best Wedding Blogs — Catch up

By Claire

Real wed­dings

  • Vel­vet shoes, a Jenny Pack­ham dress and a beau­ti­ful barn wedding
  • A Soho wed­ding on the fab­u­lous Lon­don Bride blog
  • An ele­gant Parisian wed­ding (LOVE this!)
  • Some­thing fur­ther afield — an Ohio lake wedding
  • And all the way from Kenya, via Cheshire wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher and all round lovely man Adam John­son. Pretty damn incred­i­ble as a wed­ding and as a story. Des­ti­na­tion Wed­ding Pho­tog­ra­phy Kenya (Parit + Sonal Teasers) Ena­shipai Naivasha
  • Closer to home: this lovely Hack­ney town hall wed­ding will make you smile
  • Louise and Ricky’s wed­ding is a stun­ner! by Life­Line Pho­tog­ra­phy — look at the sec­ond image of Louise with her head on Ricky’s shoul­der… so beau­ti­ful, so roman­tic and guar­an­teed to make you smile!
Festival themed uk wedding

I loved this fes­ti­val themed wed­ding — click to see what a beau­ti­ful day Clau­dine and Ian had — image by Tracy Morter Photography

Think cre­ative — made in the UK and DIY wed­ding ideas

  • Oh my God and wow — glo­ri­ous, sexy pink graphic design and colour ideas from Antoin and Alex’s wed­ding!
  • wed­ding favours for Can­cer Research — with optional pins designed by Jenny Pack­ham. Gorgeous.
  • Did you see Lon­don wed­ding dress designer Dana Bolton on Love My Dress Blog?
  • A wed­ding cer­e­mony chal­lenge — what do you make of this?! My heart would be in my mouth, I think!!!
vintage wedding invitation idea vintage twee

Brand new vin­tage wed­ding invi­ta­tion designs for 2013 from Vin­tage Twee

  • The lovely Amma from Beyond Beyond threat­ens to ‘rub me out’. I adore her. So happy to have my cal­lig­ra­phy fea­tured on her fab blog!
  • The story of a wed­ding cake design, inspired by a wed­ding dress. From sketches to the fin­ished cake — wow.
  • Get cre­ative with your wed­ding dress design and theme — a lit­tle risque, but gor­geous — mer­maid wed­ding anyone?
  • Wed­ding plan­ning advice from A — Z. I is for indi­vid­u­al­ity — it’s my favourite
  • Wed­ding invi­ta­tion mis­takes! There are six mis­takes here: five are spot on. The first I dis­agree with! But it’s a good arti­cle

Wed­ding plan­ning advice and opinion

wedding planners about

Wed­ding table cen­tre­pieces cre­ated by the UKAWP (click to see more)

  • Wed­ding plan­ners at work — see how gor­geous table cen­tre pieces are cre­ated and more!
  • The trend for mesh­ing… would you? (As a wed­ding cal­lig­ra­pher I can see the ben­e­fits of fewer double-barrelled names!) — but the intro to this arti­cle which men­tions “new lin­guis­tic hor­rors” from the US does make me smile
  • A sage word about reportage wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy — this is what it truly means. Won’t take you a minute to read but it’s worth hav­ing a look.
  • Win­ter wed­dings on LoveLuxe Blog. Loved this web chat, they did so well! And the tips on every­thing from pho­tog­ra­phy to flow­ers are priceless.
  • 101 wed­ding first dance song sug­ges­tions. A great list because there’s so much to choose from! Rock, alter­na­tive, old school… there’s a nice choice here.

And a spe­cial men­tion for a great friend!

It’s wed­ding awards sea­son in Jan­u­ary. The regional win­ners for The Wed­ding Indus­try Awards have been announced, and this lit­tle blog post shows you exactly why awards make so much of an impact. I’m quite fiercely proud of Zoe and Gav from Bunny Deli­cious. Con­grat­u­la­tions, Mr and Mrs Delicious!

Best wedding blogs — catch up

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