Destinations Magazine

Best Price-quality Places These Days. Part I: on a Budget

By Johntalbott

Every few months I’m tempted to tackle this issue and it takes a lot of time and digging (I know, you really feel for me) but I hope it’s to someone’s benefit (it’s the hopeless doctor dreamer in me).

So after today’s meal at Jin Xin Lou with has a 19.80 3 course “menu” and bottles of wine under 20 E I’m  tempted to try again.

So here goes with some of the most recent ones:

Le Verre Moutarde
145, rue de Saussure in the 17th (Metro: Wagram)
Closed weekends
13.90 for 2 courses, wine and coffee

Jeanne B.
61, rue Lepic in the 18th (Metro:  Absesses)
Open 7/7
17.00 E for 3 courses

Jin Xin Lou’s French section
63, rue de l'Amiral Mouchez in the 13th (RER: Cite Universitaire)
Closed Wednesday dinner, Saturday lunch and Sundays.
19.80 for 3 courses

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