Lifestyle Magazine

Best Man Bingo and Party Bags Instead of Favours — Stephanie and Michael’s Rushton Hall Wedding

By Claire

Thanks to wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Aaron Col­lett for shar­ing today’s gor­geous wed­ding pic­tures on the blog. Stephanie is beau­ti­ful and Michael her per­fect match — the smiles say it all (and I’m smil­ing right back while I pre­pare the blog fea­ture for you!) Con­grat­u­la­tions guys, and thanks for your amaz­ing wed­ding report. I love it!

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (21)

Every­one — enjoy. This is a fab wed­ding with some great ideas. Don’t miss the wed­ding report at the end of the fea­ture. Have a bril­liant day!

Claire xxx

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (2)

Stephanie and Michael’s Rush­ton Hall wed­ding — tra­di­tional with a twist!

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (3)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (4)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (5)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (6)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (7)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (8)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (9)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (10)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (11)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (12)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (13)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (14)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (15)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (16)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (17)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (18)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (29)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (30)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (31)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (32)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (33)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (34)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (19)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (20)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (22)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (23)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (24)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (25)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (26)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (27)

Rushton Hall wedding blog Aaron Collett Photography (28)

Wed­ding venue:

All Saints Church, Rush­ton and Rush­ton Hall, Northants (more real wed­dings from Rush­ton Hall)

Wed­ding photographer:

Aaron Col­lett Pho­tog­ra­phy (more wed­dings by Aaron Col­lett)

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Tra­di­tional with a few twists!

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

A church wed­ding with 120 friends and fam­ily. Michael and the grooms­men arrived on a trac­tor pulled trailer and Stephanie and Dad on a horse and car­riage. Although there were 4 best men, it was Michael’s brother who stood with him at the front of the church. We had 3 brides­maids of dif­fer­ent ages who looked gorgeous!

We each choose a hymn that was impor­tant to us (Stephanie from her child­hood and Michael from his Irish roots) and then one that was about love and mar­riage. We exchanged tra­di­tional vows and rings, and walked down the aisle to Here Comes the Bride and the Wed­ding March, but indulged in some West­life for sign­ing the register!

Which read­ings did you choose?

  • On your Wed­ding Day’ for Stephanie’s sis­ter to read as it was infor­mal and the words were incred­i­bly relevant.
  • 1 Corinthi­ans because the mean­ing and bib­li­cal ref­er­ence was impor­tant to us.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

Our flow­ers were white roses as Michael’s fam­ily are from York­shire. We used these for our but­ton holes, bou­quets, pew ends and table dec­o­ra­tions. Instead of favours, we gave each guest a goodie bag at the end of the night with water, crisps, choco­late, headache tablets and a per­sonal note writ­ten on the back of one of our pre-wedding photos!

On the table each guest had a scroll with a menu, ‘guess the first dance’ and ‘best man bingo’ game card. We tied these in rib­bon to match the brides­maids’ dresses which was impos­si­ble to track down, but com­pletely worth it to know it all matched! In the evening we used bal­loons to dec­o­ra­tive the party room!

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

All cre­ated by the won­der­ful Lydia of Hand Drawn Maps, we had a bespoke motif with our ini­tials (our par­ents had this put on cham­pagne glasses for the day!) and she incor­po­rated the rose theme into all the sta­tionery. She drew an amaz­ing map of the local area with some lovely per­sonal touches like the chick­ens in our back gar­den – as well as send­ing with the invites, we also had it blown up on the day. Our favorite item from her was our table names – all the places we love in Corn­wall on a bril­liant map show­ing every­thing that is spe­cial to us about those places.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

Milo Max pro­vided the evening enter­tain­ment – a fan­tas­tic band with an amaz­ing playlist. We also had fire­works from MLE – despite the cold and rain, every­one joined us out­side for a shot of Lemon­cello and a dis­play set to Take That’s Great­est Day!

What did you both wear?

Bride (dress, shoes, acces­sories): Suzanne Neville’s Besot­ted & bespoke Kate Spence shoes. I made some pearl hair pins to match my jew­ellery from my mum’s wed­ding head­dress as my some­thing old.

Groom: A tai­lor made Jack Bun­neys suit and shirt and cuf­flinks with our motif on!

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

  • The best bit was see­ing Michael as I walked into the church – it felt perfect.
  • The speeches – funny and emo­tional, includ­ing one table heck­ling for words in order to win best man bingo!
  • Trans­port­ing the guests to the venue in trac­tors and trail­ers. It was cold and wet, but every­one got in the spirit!

Wed­ding day advice:

After the cer­e­mony, we had 20 mins to our­selves in the horse and car­riage with a bot­tle of cham­pagne. The rest of the day was so busy, it was great to get some time to our­selves.
Because the weather was so wet, we did our out­door pho­tos a few weeks after the wed­ding – not only was it great fun get­ting dressed up again, but it meant we had loads of times to socialise on the day!

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

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