I don't have any earth shattering wisdom or yoga philosophy to share today. Nope, today is all about the practical. You see, I practice yoga at home. Have done so for years. Yes, I occassionally step out and go to a yoga studio and/or workshop, but my day to day practice is done in my home. These days I have a dedicated space in my house for my yoga (although I will step out on my deck or unroll my mat out in my sunroom on occasion). As the weather turns from warm to hot, the windows close and the AC comes on. This sometimes leaves me with an olfactory issue.
I'm going to need to spell it out, aren't I? <SIGH> You see, when the windows stay closed and I have a vigorous yoga session, sometimes things get sweaty and...stinky. Yep, I said it. At first everything was fine. Then one day I was walking to my bedroom -- passing my yoga practice space on the way -- and noticed an eau du sweat (I suppose the sweat thing is cumulative). Ewwwwwwww! I suppose that this is one of the hazards of a home practice -- rather than leave the scent in the studio, it stays at home with you.
Now your first answer might be -- incense. Yep, I considered this for a bit. I haven't burned incense in quite some time. The thought of the overpowering scent of it just didn't appeal. Neither did the idea of the scent of incense merely masking the scent of sweat. Not a good combination, if you ask me.
That's when I thought about essential oils. I was about to mix up my own little concoction (check out some excellent DIY "recipes" here, here, and here) when I found this and then got lazy. Yes, the name (Poo-Pourri) is funny and yes, the company specializes in something other than room sprays, but their Bench the Stench Sweat Odor Eliminator does exactly what it promises. This awesome spray blends sage, lavender, and Patchouli and smells delightful. It's my new yoga space staple.
Another of my favorite yoga room deodorizers is GrabGreen Room and Fabric Freshener (my favorite scents are Lavender and Vanilla, Immortelle with Jasmine and Thyme with Fig Leaf).
None of these links are referral links. I'm just a SCENTsitive yoga girl trying to help another yogi out. If any other home-based yogis would like to offer up suggestions for keeping one's yoga space smelling fresh, please do share.

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