Fashion Magazine

Beija Flor at the Israeli Design Pop up Shop in Hong Kong

By A Beauty Feature @abeautyfeature

Beija Flor finds its inspiration in special symmetric geometric patterns. Originating hundreds of years ago and perfected over generations, these decorative patterns aim to provide harmony, balance and inspiration to their audience.The belief that the universe was created according to a geometric plan has ancient origins.  In sacred geometry, symbolism and sacred meanings are ascribed to certain shapes. The Flower of Life used in the tiles  is found in the early Egyptian culture and is considered one of the most ancient shapes.

Beija Flor at the Israeli design pop up shop in Hong Kong

Beija Flor at the Israeli design pop up shop in Hong Kong

Beija Flor at the Israeli design pop up shop in Hong Kong

The Golden Section Over the years, they have found the mat which was closest in its rectangular proportion to the Golden Section is one of our most popular mats (60cm x 100cm). To make this mat even more pleasing for our customers, Beija Flor changed its proportions to more closely resemble the Golden Section (60cm x 97cm 97/60=1.617). This mathematical proportion derived from The Fibonacci series, is found all around us in nature and in great artworks. The Golden Section is represented in the Golden Rectangle in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side is the Golden Section.

Beija Flor is a design studio set up to bring the inspiring beauty of ancient tiles back into our home. Made with love and care, the products combine the beauty and high quality of the past with practicality and affordability for the modern living space. The geometric shapes are born from spirituality, sacred geometry, power and beauty. From their small boutique studio, our elegant geometric designs are now being sold across the world. Beija Flor means “The Kisser of flowers” – The hummingbird in Portuguese. Beija Flor products kiss the space they are in. We invite you to choose a design to beautify your home.

Beija Flor at the Israeli design pop up shop in Hong Kong

Beija Flor at the Israeli design pop up shop in Hong Kong

Maya Kounjevsky is attracted to designs around a central axis. During her travels she had started to search for artifacts, tiles, frescoes and pictures of geometric patterns. This brought together a wide collection that is the core of Beija Flor. Maya’s passion is to take a piece of history and make it available for each home. Beija Flor was founded by Maya Kounievsky in 2007. Maya is a Design Graduate from Haifa and is an experienced designer and creative artist.

Find examples of Beija Flor at the Israeli design pop up shop 504, Staunton PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong.

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