Indian Wedding Photographer Somerset
The anticipation had been building heading towards Beena & Chris’ two day wedding celebration. Held within the opulent setting of North Cadbury Court, one of the finest & most distinctive Somerset wedding venues. Two days of unique cultural traditions shared between two families . It was day 1 and the traditional Indian Hindu Wedding ceremony or Mandap.
Beena’s mother, Gita had been kind enough to put together a timeline to the ceremony. Highlighting all the relevant details of custom and tradition, what was going to happen, what it meant and its significance. With so many beautiful details within Indian Weddings, for these to be shared prior to the ceremony it really helped bring everyone together.
An almost theatrical nature of the ceremony starting with the Grooms dramatic entrance, presenting himself to the Bride’s family, then being escorted through to the Mandap area. So much colour, great music and abundant emotion capturing strong imagery within such a rich visual environment was amazing.
Indian Wedding Traditions……..
Everything I learnt through observing and capturing Indian wedding traditions, seems so right, so perfect, the way all weddings should be. From the Brides mother being first to welcome the groom, and then to then escort him to the ceremony area. She is the one to perform the first ritual, then to have him symbolically smash clays pots under foot. Representing of the obstacles in life the married couple will face and how they will over come them. Numerous prayers, holy threads exchanged and worn, blessings and numerous family members having distinct roles within welcoming the groom and his family.
Best Indian Wedding Photographers
The warmth and love extended to all within the Mandap ceremony was so wonderful to see and understand. An unforgotten ill aunt who couldn’t make it to the ceremony being called by Beena on Facetime moments before being escorted by her Uncles to the Mandap area. Both visibly touched in sharing this precious moment together.
From parents feeding sweets with one another to bathing the new grooms feet, purifying fire encircled 4 times with the couple seeking the 4 goals in life of Dharma (religion and righteousness), Artha (wealth & prosperity), Kama (happiness & desire), and Moksha (salvation). Firm values shared and reinforced, then layered and blended with elements of humor. A brides brother interrupting the activities, grabbing the groom by his toe, to claim his gift from the new man joining the family.
The day and tits festivities passed so quickly, time had escaped us, along with the weather changing and the heavens opening. The opportunity of natural portraits of Beena & Chris in traditional Indian dress in the grounds had gone. However we had gained so much more in documenting the day within the beauty of tradition as Indian Wedding Photographers Somerset.
Garba & Dandiya Raas – The Perfect After Party
With a second day of festivities ahead of us, we were looking at wrapping up evening coverage early. We were keen to capture some of the fun with everyone being shown Indian Garba dancing. I was told the closest way of describing it would be to see it as an Indian version of Morris Dancing! Thankfully I can say how awesomely different it was!!!
Two tunes in, and we thought we had everything in the bag, everyone having had a crash course on Dandiya Rass – Gujarat folk dancing with sticks . We were looking to say our goodbyes, until tomorrow. With another tune lined up and the more experienced Garba folk assembled in the center of the ballroom, the volume was cranked up and the master class began!!
I was so glad to see the final performance for the evening, amazing music, great energy and a perfect conclusion to the day.
Wedding day 1 was over for us, I was leaving another wedding taking something special home with me. The feeling of being culturally enriched, knowing that I had captured precious moments, along with gaining a greater understanding into tradition and family. Oh yes, and an addition to enrich my itunes collection!
If you are planning your own wedding and like our style of photography, please don't hesitate toGet in touch

Chris & Beena’s Key Wedding Suppliers
Wedding Venue: North Cadbury Court | Hair Stylist: Tracy Pallari
Florist: Julia Moore | Make Up Artist: Maria Lucas | Catering: Heena’s Kitchen Curry
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Author: Linus Moran
https://www.linusmoranphotography.co.ukHi I'm Linus, a Dorset Wedding Photographer offering Documentary Wedding Photography and portraiture throughout Southern England and the UK. I aim to capture your decisive moments unobtrusively as an observer, leaving you at ease to relax, have fun & enjoy your guests!
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