Family Magazine

Beef and Chorizo Enchiladas

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

 Remember how I told you yesterday that I had a voice screaming in my head to “MAKE YOUR OWN DANG TACO SAUCE??!?!”

Well that voice was so insistent because what I really wanted was enchiladas.

Which is sort of crazy.

Because it’s been near 90 degrees for the past week.

And who wants to turn on the oven when it’s 90 degrees outside and there’s no central air in your 1940s Cottage?

But it had been so long since I made enchiladas.

I can’t even remember the last time.

And I love enchiladas.

But I already told you that.

So I’m just going to dive in and share this recipe because since I made it last week it’s been high on the recommend list from the Cowboy and kiddos (which is why we had them last night, too).

beef chorizo enchiladas


  • 12 six or eight inch flour tortillas
  • 1 medium onion (chopped)
  • 1 1/2 lbs ground beef
  • 1 lb chorizo (casing removed)
  • 1 cup plus 1 1/2 cups Taco Sauce (divided)
  • 1 cup yogurt
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/2 cup shredded asiago cheese
  • 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese
  • 2 big handfuls of baby spinach
  • Sea Salt (to taste)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Sauté the onion in a pat of pastured butter until translucent.  When they are done, transfer to a glass bowl.

Add the beef and chorizo to the hot pan and brown until cooked through.

Drain the excess fat from the pan.

Add onions, yogurt, sauce and half of the cheese to the meat.  Stir to combine, then add the two handfuls of spinach right on top.  Cover and let the spinach wilt (about 2-3 minutes).

While the spinach wilts, wrap your tortillas in a towel and put them in the preheating oven.  After the spinach is wilted, remove the cover and stir the wilted spinach into the mixture.  Then remove the warm tortillas from the oven and get ready to get dirty


I use two 8×10 ceramic ramekins and squeeze 5-7 enchiladas in each one.  Pour 1/3 cup of taco sauce on the bottom of each pan.

With clean hands, dip a tortilla into the mixture in your sauté pan, wetting one side of the tortilla.  Then fill the “dry” side with a heaping spoonful (or two or three … depends on how fat you like your enchiladas and how big your spoon is) and roll the tortilla around it.  Place in your pan with seam side down.  Repeat until the pans are full and the meat mixture is gone.

Top each pan with the remaining taco sauce and cheese and put in hot oven for 15-20 minutes.

Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.


The next time the thermometer drops below 80 degrees, we’re going to try a vegetarian version of these with Poblano Chiles and Green Rice.  I’m salivating.

NOTE:  Our butcher makes chorizo sausage and we can buy it without the casing so it just looks like spicy ground meat.  If I don’t have chorizo in the fridge, I just use all beef and add an extra heaping tablespoon of taco seasoning.

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