Family Magazine
Nothing ever prepares you for first day at Kindy, NOTHING.
No matter how you chant or meditate the night before, or the morning itself, your anxiousness isn't going to go away. ESPECIALLY if this is your first child who is going to kindy for the first time.
I distinctly remember getting all prepared the night before. I organised her not-so-tiny school bag and put in a zip lock bag with a new change of clothes (the teacher has warned us parents that they might get wet from playing in the garden), a filled water bottle, wet wipes, a couple of "mommy cards" (just in case she loses her bag), a piece of fruit (for their picnic table), and some pull up pants (just in case she decides to have an accident).
I didn't feel the slightest jittery that night. Not even when Mr Thirty got teary seeing Little Miss Thumper getting all excited carrying her backpack. I even told him that he was such a mushy gummy bear for feeling that way. But whadayaknow... morning came and I was the one feeling all haywired. Hah!
Anyways, having survived the day myself, I thought I'd share my 2 cents worth on how you can make yours more enjoyable as well. :)
1. Sleep