Family Magazine

Beating Head Lice

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

250px Male human head louse Beating Head Lice

So your child comes home from school with the dreaded NITS ahhhhh.

Well here is some facts and myths on nits you may not know

Mthys & Facts

# Nits only live on dirty hair , no they live on any head regardless if the hair is clean or dirty.

# Nits can only live on hair once they are of the head they die, nope sorry a nit can live off hair for as long as they have blood in their stomach  once the stomach is empty then they die of starvation which can take up to 24 hours, sometimes longer.

# If you tie your hair up they can’t get on the head, again no if two people, child or other wise touch heads then nits will simply walk across to the next head or like the Bulletin above if a hair falls with a nit on it or even if a nit falls off a head and lands on a chair/bus seat/train seat it can be transferred on to a piece of clothing and then work its way up to the head.

# lemon juice, vinegar and even vodka yes you read correctly vodka can remove nits but not all the eggs.

# Nit lotion now a days only kills nits not the eggs this is why they say to repeat it in 7 days due to the eggs hatching and repeating their life cycle.

#combing with conditioner does help to remove eggs.

# If you find one person in the family to have nits, even if it is just one you find then treat everyone’s heads.

# Boil wash everything …. bedding, clothes, towels to kill anything that could of fallen on onto them.

# If hats r warm and if they can not be washed spray hairspray inside them as nits/eggs stick to them and can not move on so starve and die.

#the best thing to do is to get a nitty gritty comb which cost £9.99 and are sold everywhere (chemist/supermarkets) as this comb pulls everything out of the hair nits and live eggs just repeat combing twice a day and then once you know you are rid of nits once a week to make sure no eggs are left to re hatch.

#DO NOT keep using the same nit lotion as the nits become immune to it and then the lotion becomes pointless been used.

# Nits do not like teatree so using a teatree shampoo and conditioner will help to prevent nits but will not stop a child getting them, you can also get teatree spray that u style the hair and then spray the head which helps as a barrier but again is not 100% guarantee to stop nits , if you can not find the spray then if you get some teatree oil and put a few drops in a spray bottle with luke warm water this is the same as what shops sell and  cheaper.

Personally if I find a child to have nits I do not treat with a nit lotion, if more then a few nits are found then I treat the whole family and then the nitty gritty comb comes out , that way I only treat the head with lotion once and it does not become a cycle every week of nit lotioning the child, as it really not nice for them.

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