Happy FRIDAY!!! Yeeeeesssssss.

I decided that since its Friday and I’m pretty sure this week has been the longest week in the history of the world, I’d treat myself to a vanilla soy latte from Starbucks!
Actually… I had a Free Drink coupon so Starbucks treated me. I think free lattes taste better.

Last night I reminded the elliptical-glider-thingy that it’s my slave.

60mins at level 17. Mhmm Mr. Elliptical-glider-thing. That’s right!! And don’t you forget it.

tonight I’m doing another 60 mins of cardio with my Bikini Body toning circuit from Shape Magazine. I’ll do a whole post on it tomorrow bust basically it’s a circuit series the magazine publishes in every April, May, and June issue.

Today is BBQ Friday!!! We went to our usual joint, Salinas City BBQ and I had my weekly brisket sandwich and potato salad.
Are you drooling yet??

If you weren’t you definitely are now. I just drooled all over my iPad and Rick, my coworker, totally saw me and tried to pretend he didn’t… AWKWARD!!

You guys are all too sweet to me. Your comments on my Bikini Post made my spring!!